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Reel 364B, 1963-07

 File — Reel: WMAR-RAW-0364B
Identifier: WMAR-RAW-0364B

Shot List

1. Desegregation of Gwynn Oak Park; Human Relations Commission, Agnew at table with large group: “it is the recommendation of the human relations commission that number 1, integration of Gwynn Oak amusement park take place on July 6th, 1963, 2, all demonstrations cease immediately, 3, parties reserve the right to reexamine policy in the light of existing law and circumstances on Jan 1 1964, 4, any disputes under this agreement will be referred to the human relations commission, meanwhile the commission has unanimously recommended that all demonstrations cease…at 2pm on Monday” 2. Man Arrested; man in handcuffs escorted down hall by two men in suits, press taking pictures, wobbly camera 3. Office Building Fire; exterior office building, interior office with papers strewn all over, showing fire damaged files and papers 4. Hotel Fire; Exterior Hotel Stafford, view up fire escape with smoke visible, people walking down fire escape 5. Man seated before camera (out of focus) working at desk in front of blackboard 6. Horse Show; Women on horseback in English gear, horse jump competition, various views and riders, crowd watching; horse receiving ribbon 7. Desegregation of Gwynn Oak Park; group leaving public building (#111); they walk past camera; interior hearing room, Human relations committee in a meeting; three men being interviewed outside, Rev. Newbold speaks “today we did this for the simple reason that we are committed to the desegregation of Gwynn Oak park in 1963. those present charged us to come here and to indicate that, and so we have no other alternative. “ it was agreed …that if we did not receive an affirmative answer today in terms of desegregation, that peaceful, non-violent, orderly demonstrations would be resumed… I would say immediately, yes..” 8. Civil Rights Activists; woman with priest, large group inside building with vaulted ceiling (possibly Gloria Richardson); man speaks: “we met with the Governor as you know and he was very cordial and sympathetic to our presentation…in terms of our release…we ask the Governor to state publicly his position in terms of integration in the state of Maryland” 9. Demolition; Building being demolished, views of rooms with furniture still inside and walls removed 10. Bill Signing; Unknown man signing document; several men signing documents; men at table and standing around as documents are signed, group at table hold hands and smile, JFK portrait in background 11. Public Transportation; unknown man: “the number one question in the field of mass transportation is to provide adequate transportation to our citizens…certain avenues have to be explored…is it feasible…to take over the Baltimore transit company now?…” 12. Underwater search; Men with shirts off standing by pier, lowering buckets into water, two men in scuba gear filling buckets with unidentified objects; chain lowered and large heavy box pulled out of water; close-up as men removed objects from box (perhaps a safe) 13. Ceiling Collapses; exterior large public building, person loaded into ambulance on stretcher; view of ceiling with tiles collapsed, tilt down to interior of room looks like courtroom 14. (possibly Jail Break); Man sticks hand into disintegrating brick wall of building exterior, demonstrates crumbling stone; two men in hardhats look on; close-up another man running rod into holes in wall; interior prison, wide views interior spaces 15. Crime Investigation; interview “yes we started investigation several weeks ago on …traffic into Ocean City…brought me into Baltimore county…certain information we had did tie in with the county authorities…I believe that …Kessler of Baltimore county narcotics commission could tie this up better than I could” Kessler: “when chief Phillips mentioned Hillendale road in Parkville through other information he received…I would like to say that we’ve had the house under observation for several months” ocean city drug traffic? Chief: ”additional arrests…I would certainly like to convey my thanks to the other organizations that participated in this thing…” 16. Bill signing; interior large board room, clock reads 9:40, various views as they distribute documents, sign documents, Agnew and McKeldin present, Agnew at the head of the table. 17. Civil Rights; man speaks “we will start to learn how Mr. Agnew’s recent statement. In view of the fact that he committed himself at the beginning of our negotiation not to try to impose his will upon any of the principles, and because of the fact that negotiations are still in progress, we consider his statement at this time to be both unfortunate and untimely” 18. Desegregation of Gwynn Oak Park; man interviewed on street: Q: do you feel that the only way you will get anything at Gwynn Oak is by these demonstrations? “I think that the demonstrations will affect the change desired at GO park. It is hoped however by Mr. Rudolph Jones and myself that the public will take action and pass a public accommodations measure, or if they do not have the power themselves to do so that they will be so empowered by the general assembly.” Q: Will you demonstrate on Saturday…? 19. Ship in port, general Hoyt S. Van…; ship with large satellite dishes; various views; crowd gathered on dock with large grandstand and podium; air force seal on podium; man speaks, woman speaks, jet demonstration in sky over ship 20. Cold War; unknown man speaks “I would cut off any shipping line from doing business with Cuba, which was, from doing business with us if they insisted on doing with Cuba. …economic pressures…not only on Cuba but on Russia, because it’s not Castro but it’s Khrushchev." 21. Press Conference; Cambridge Riots and Parking; man at microphone: “the situation at Cambridge in my opinion is very critical, and we’re attempting to have from 5 to 800 troops there al the time in order to maintain law and order.” Another man at microphone “the last call the voters of Baltimore approved of 2 million dollars in loans for off street parking for the businessmen of Baltimore…” 22. Hearing; long bench with several men seated, man addresses the bench, reading from document; man on bench speaking; priest at table speaking, others look on. 23. Restaurant Fire; Exterior Gordon’s crab and oyster house with debris on sidewalk; interior showing fire damaged store and menu sign, etc. 24. Man in handcuffs being led into parking garage of public building (same man from before, who was escorted down long hall) 25. Cambridge Riots; “it is unfair in my judgment to the employers and to the officers of the national guard to keep them on duty at Cambridge for a longer period than the camp period, which is 15 days. In addition to that, I think it would be improper for me to allow all the units of the National Guard to leave the state at this time. It’s necessary that we have these additional battalions for rotation at Cambridge and as a reserve in case they are needed." 26. Absentee landlords; unknown man: “some of the deterioration that has been going on in relation to city property…landlords fail to pay the taxes. They keep collecting rent and fail to make repairs until they become slums…the city is left holding the bag…this is what you call milking the property dry…people who are well off financially and taking advantage of the situation…I say we take action…” 27. Store Fire; Fire fighters at night outside shopping plaza; interior with firefighters in store 28. Brief shot of group around board table 29. National Guard encampment, presumably Cambridge; pickup truck rides by; women and children smile at camera 30. Animal Control; woman standing in doorway of form stone house, looking out at camera; men come out carrying cats, one by one, by the scruff of their necks, they are placed in cages in van; close-up woman smiling 31. Cambridge Riots; Men and woman get out of car and put on jackets; priest, men walk into Sheraton Belvedere. Gloria Richardson speaks “we met today with city officials …before the human relations committee of Maryland Bar Association. they had a procedure meeting on Monday, and today the discussion was more or less between those that came from Cambridge.. and the guards that came…they have been trying to find out what has been going on there and what disagreement has been about and how we thought it might be implemented, and any problems thereof. And the meeting ended on this note: there was no resolution …but they did state that they would be available if help was needed or if we requested it, those of us in Cambridge.” July 25, 1963 32. Art; Classical painting of nurse next to child on bed, easel on desk in office; man pointing to painting 33. Protest; picketers, signs: ”we want action – not the runaround“ “freedom now” would you want to live near the smell?” close-up jar reads July 26 1963 chicken water” 34. Railroad cars, men climb stairs into engine, views of engine car, western Maryland train; train passes camera and pulls out of station. 35. Interior large board room, people seated around table, looking at documents 36. School Vandalism; interior public building with man picking up debris; paint (?) splattered on walls, floors, desks (classroom); man shows where door glass was broken 37. Mentally Ill; “with increasing number of admissions to our hospitals it requires more and more people to give the necessary treatment in order to continue our trend of short stays in the mental hospitals…beyond the hospital we have to have more and more community facilities in order to keep these people out of the hospitals…provide the kind of treatment that our patients deserve” 38. Dog Tricks; Collie with shaved hair in park with policemen; close-ups and various views; dog runs to man who gets dog to do tricks 39. Men seated around long table inside restaurant; older man climbs onto and off of chair at instruction of another man 40. Water Shortage; “the meeting was held this morning between members of the bureau of water Baltimore and surrounding area…a restriction will not be necessary…we request however that all those using water for outdoor purposes…place their own restrictions, particularly between the hours of 6 and ten…” 41. Group of women outside office building marked number 37; women walking on tarmac and climbing stairs into plane; they pose and wave to camera; they are all wearing corsages; one man among them waving 42. Grand Opening; Exterior AandP, new store, interior with shoppers; interviewer with shopper, sound on film


  • Creation: 1963-07


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Collection is open for research. Material from the collection may be viewed in the Special Collections Research Room. Some items may have access limitations due to physical format. Some footage from the the collection has been digitized and made available online for streaming through the Internet Archive and is available through this finding aid.


1 Reels : Reversal, B&W, Optical track, 1161 feet ; Film: 16mm

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Also have DVD copy(WMAR-MISC-138-014)

Repository Details

Part of the Baltimore Studies Archives Repository

H. Mebane Turner Learning Commons, Room 104
1415 Maryland Avenue
Baltimore Maryland 21201 USA