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A. Robert Kaufman Papers

Identifier: R0135-ARK

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Scope and Contents

The A. Robert Kaufman Papers primarily document Kaufman’s involvement in left-wing political organizing in Baltimore, 1967-2006. The papers include copies of extensive FBI files recording Kaufman’s political activities from his time as a student at Goddard College in the 1950s to his participation in various political movements during the 1960s. Other significant documentation covers a broad range of political issues, including opposition to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars, legalization of drugs in Baltimore, lowering auto-insurance rates for city residents, peace in the Middle East and Kaufman’s city, state, and national campaigns for political office. The collection also includes material related to a variety of organizations, including the City-Wide Coalition, City-Wide Insurance Coalition, the Baltimore Free University, the Baltimore Green Party, the Baltimore Anti-War Coalition, the Coalition on Voter Registration and the Baltimore Coalition to End War and Terrorism. While the collection contains a few awards, photographs, cartoons, buttons, bumper stickers and one radio interview, most of the material consists of clippings, correspondence, biographical outlines, notes, poetry, bulletins and writings related to Kaufman’s work as an activist and organizer.


  • Creation: 1955-2008
  • Creation: Bulk: 1967-2006


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

To the extent that they own copyright, the donor has assigned the copyright of this collection to the University Foundation. However, copyright for some items in this collection are held by their respective creators.

Biographical Note

A. Robert Kaufman (1931-2009) was a socialist activist in Baltimore from 1947 until his death in 2009, interrupted only by his days as student at Goddard College in the 1950s. He was a founding member of the Citywide Coalition, which organized around a variety of social, political and economic issues. Kaufman was also a prominent local activist against the wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, and for peace in the Middle East. In addition, he was involved with numerous left-wing and socialist organizations in the region and ran for many political offices including for city council, mayor, US senator and president. His papers offer a personal view of the political life of the left in Baltimore City over a period of more than four decades.


3.00 Linear Feet (3 containers)

Language of Materials



Subject files organized into three series:

  • 1. Material by and about Kaufman
  • 2. FBI Files
  • 3. Subject Files

Custodial History

Gift of the Kaufman estate received in April 2011.

Processing Information

Collection was processed by Elizabeth Youle in 2015.

Finding aid for the A. Robert Kaufman Papers
Finding aid prepared by Elizabeth Youle and Ben Blake (2015). Revised by Laura Bell (2021).
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Baltimore Studies Archives Repository

5 West Chase Street
Baltimore Maryland 21201 USA