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Office of the President Records

 Record Group — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UR0005

Scope and Contents

The Office of the President Records document the tenure of five of eight University of Baltimore presidents, Theodore Wilson, Wilmer DeHuff, Thomas Pullen Jr., H. Mebane Turner, and Robert Bogomolny.


  • Creation: 1930 - 2004

Conditions Governing Access

University records generated by the university's Executive Officers, Deans, Directors and their support offices may be restricted for a period of twenty five years from their date of accession by the University Archives. The restriction is subject to applicable law, most notably the Freedom of Information Act. Restricted files are indicated within the database.

Biographical / Historical

University of Baltimore Presidents Wilber Smith, 1926-1933 Under Wilbur Smith, the University of Baltimore quickly began to grow. A temporary annex was immediately procured at St. Paul and Centre streets, and the trustees purchased the former Baltimore College of Dentistry, renaming it Howard Hall. Sports teams began to emerge and lacrosse and football were among the first to be offered. The first yearbook was produced during Smith's tenure by a dedicated group of students from the law class. Howell King, 1933-1935 Howell King, one of the founders of the University of Baltimore, served first as the executive Dean of the School before becoming the second President. Increased enrollment and the expansion of programs were the hallmark of his presidency. Theodore Wilson, 1940-1961 Theodore Wilson first came to the University of Baltimore in 1937 as an Educational Consultant and became President in 1940. During his long tenure, both the campus and the political climate of the world changed dramatically. The University of Baltimore adapted to the educational demands brought on by World War II, developing programs to teach aircraft engineering, student nursing, and war industries. But Wilson's proudest achievement was the transformation of the University's Junior College into a four-year College of Liberal Arts. Wilmer DeHuff, 1962-1964 A former Principal of Baltimore Polytechnic Institute High School, Wilmer DeHuff came to the University in 1958 as an Educational Consultant. In 1962 he was named acting President and Provost. After Thomas Pullen Jr. became President, DeHuff was named Dean of Faculty. Thomas Pullen Jr., 1964-1969 Thomas Pullen Jr. created the foundation on which the University of Baltimore rests today, literally. He negotiated the purchase of or had direct influence on the majority of the buildings. His tenacity provided results and the University of Baltimore was made a candidate for accreditation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Pullen's tenure is also known for the construction of Langsdale Library. H. Mebane Turner, 1969-2002 With the longest tenure of any University of Baltimore President, H. Mebane Turner's achievements are many and varied. The greatest expansion of the University and its programs occurred during his tenure with the addition of the day division of the School of Law and the merger of Eastern College, Mt. Vernon School of Law and the Baltimore College of Commerce. The University of Baltimore’s transformation from a private institution to a public institution to its inclusion in the University System of Maryland all occurred during Turner's tenure. Robert Bogomolny, 2002-2014 Robert Bogomolny took on the role of President of the University of Baltimore on August 1, 2002. A Harvard College and Harvard Law School graduate, Bogomolny draws upon anS exceptional background that spans the academic, legal and corporate worlds, making him ideally positioned to lead the University of Baltimore into the future. Kurt L. Schmoke, 2014 - present Kurt L. Schmoke was appointed as the University of Baltimore’s eighth president as of July 7, 2014. He brings to the University a wealth of experience in public service, higher education and leadership.


8.60 Linear Feet

Language of Materials



The Office of the President Records are organized into five series. Series 1 has 2 sub-series. Series 2 has 1 sub-series. Series 3 has 7 sub-series. Series 4 has 6 sub-series. Series 5 has 1 sub-series.

Custodial History

The provenance of this record group is unknown.

Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the University of Baltimore Institutional Archives Repository

5 West Chase Street
Baltimore Maryland 21201 USA