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Showing Collections: 1 - 9 of 9

Baltimore Neighborhood Heritage Project

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0014-BNHP
Abstract From 1978 through 1981, the Baltimore Neighborhood Heritage Project (BNHP) recorded and collected oral histories from longtime residents of seven Baltimore neighborhoods -- Highlandtown, Hampden, Park Heights, Little Italy, South Baltimore, Old West Baltimore, and East Baltimore--and with workers in and around the Port of Baltimore. These oral histories attempted to uncover information about select aspects of neighborhood life and the experience of neighborhood residents from the perspective...
Dates: 1978-1981

Baltimore Voices Company Records

Identifier: R0020-BVC
Scope and Contents The collection contains materials documenting the history and work of the Baltimore Voices Company, a theatre project connected to the Baltimore Neighborhood Heritage Project (BNHP), between 1977 and 1982. The Baltimore Voices Company's theatrical play was performed in Baltimore in 1980. Materials in the collection include oral history audio recordings, transcripts of interviews, biographical sketches, publications, posters, correspondence, writings, musical sheets, and brochures. The...
Dates: 1977-1982

Empower Baltimore Management Corporation Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0141-EBMC
Scope and Contents

This collection documents the activities of the Empower Baltimore Management Corporation and its 19-year existence in Baltimore, Maryland spanning 1988 to 2013. The collection includes 78 linear feet of documents and program materials related to workforce development, job creation, neighborhood empowerment and revitalization, and evaluations for the programs.

Dates: 1988-2013

Lafayette Square Community Center Records

Identifier: R0060-LSC
Scope and Contents

The Lafayette Square Community Center Records documents the functions and activities of the Center between 1958 and 1969. The records are mainly textual and include by-laws, constitution, reports, correspondence, minutes, and publications.

Dates: 1958-1969

Model Urban Neighborhood Demonstration Records

Identifier: R0082-MUND
Scope and Contents This collection documents the activities of the Model Urban Neighborhood Demonstration between 1967 and 1974. Collection materials document the work of the Greater Baltimore Committee and the Neighborhood Development Corporation in relation to their work with MUND including committee work, and neighborhood projects, programs, and services. Materials are mainly textual and include policy papers, master plan, budget proposals, area socioeconomic surveys, project status reports, personnel...
Dates: 1967-1974

Reservoir Hill Oral History Collection

Identifier: R0103-RHOH
Scope and Contents This collection contains six text transcripts of oral history interviews conducted with residents of the Reservoir Hill neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland in 2010 by UB students. The Reservoir Hill neighborhood is traditionally defined as being bordered by North Avenue, Eutaw Place, Druid Park Lake Drive and Mount Royal Terrace. Topics discussed during the interviews include the Baltimore City SCOPE programs that helped homebuyers purchase and rehabilitate city-owned houses in the early...
Dates: 2010 October-November

Sandtown Habitat for Humanity Collection

Identifier: R0188-SWH
Content Description

The collection contains audiovisual documentation of the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood in West Baltimore from 1986 to 2015. The photographic images and video footage represent a significant community-based perspective on neighborhood life, specifically related to the building of houses by community members in coordination with the Christian nonprofit, Habitat for Humanity.

Dates: 1986 - 2015

Seton Hill Collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0164-STN
Content Description The collection contains documentation on the Seton Hill neighborhood from the 1960s to the present, with the bulk of the records from the 1970s through the 1990s. Included are organizational records for the Seton Hill Neighborhood Association and Seton Hill Organizations Together (SHOT), as well as the historical research files of longtime neighborhood leader, Tom Kravitz. Types of records include newsletters, bylaws, meeting minutes, maps, historical narratives, photographs of buildings in...
Dates: 1960s-2010s; Majority of material found in 1970s-1990s

Ten Hills Collection

Identifier: R0152-TH
Content Description The Ten Hills Collection contains the records of the Ten Hills Community Association (THCA), records and research materials of Stephen Israel’s that relate to the development of Ten Hills, and clay model buildings that represent the neighborhood of Ten Hills in Baltimore, Maryland. This collection ranges from approximately 1800 – 2013, and contains information not only about the Ten Hills neighborhood, but about Baltimore City, Hunting Ridge, Edmondson Village, and immediately surrounding...
Dates: 1850-2013

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  • Subject: Maryland X
  • Subject: Maryland -- Baltimore. X
  • Subject: Maryland X
  • Subject: Maryland--Baltimore--West Baltimore X

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Maryland--Baltimore 8
Neighborhoods 6
administrative records 5
correspondence 4
photographs 4
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Baltimore Neighborhood Heritage Project 2
Acton, Betty Shade 1
Apicella, Benjamin 1
Apicella, Eleanor Lancellota 1
Arnold, Albert 1
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Averella, Louis 1
Bailey, Beatrice Hawkins 1
Baltimore (Md.). Model Cities Agency 1
Baltimore Theatre Project (Md.) 1
Baltimore Voices Company 1
Beaty, Harry C. 1
Bell-McKoy, Diane 1
Berger, Allan 1
Betts, Roosevelt 1
Block, Harry 1
Bluefeld, Louis 1
Bluefeld, Philip 1
Borowski, Josephine Rose 1
Boss, Helen Granger 1
Bowers, Carrie Riston 1
Bowers, Roland 1
Briggs, Eleanor Hicks 1
Brooks, Estella 1
Brown, Carrie 1
Browning, L. Jeannette Volkman 1
Bruni, Joseph J. 1
Buhrman, Melvin A. 1
Bullock, Helen Baker 1
Burke, Carl C. 1
Butler, Luther M. 1
Caliri, Frances Vaccarino 1
Caplan, Betty Smith 1
Carr, Walter R. 1
Carroll, James F. 1
Cavacos, Lula Clentzos 1
Chelf, Merle Martin 1
Cherigo, Charles 1
Chisholm, Octavios (Otis) 1
Church, Grace Emanuel 1
Church, Katherine 1
Citizens Planning & Housing Association (Baltimore, Md.) 1
City of Baltimore Community Action Agency 1
Conn, Minnie Levy 1
Connor, Edward G. 1
Cookerly, William F. 1
Cox, Lucy Jane Neal 1
Cuba, John 1
Cucina, Elvira Pompa 1
Cunzeman, Marie Burns 1
Daiker, Ruth Baker 1
Dannenfelser, Kathleen Ruth 1
Davis, Viola Brown 1
DeAntoniis, Reparta Castagna 1
DeVaughn, Myrtle Bosz 1
Deitrich, Elmira Harper 1
Dennis, Mary Mannis 1
Dermont, Helen (Tessie) Katofski 1
DiCicco, Michael J. 1
DiMartino, Grace Toskes 1
DiPietro, Dominic (Mimi) 1
DiPietro, Guilia 1
Douglas, Parker B. 1
Doyle, Margaret Cunningham 1
Doyle, Mary Bush 1
Dubeck, Gertrude Schiff 1
Empower Baltimore Management Corporation 1
Esposito, Ida Cippolloni 1
Evans, William 1
Fairfax, Clarence 1
Feeley, Mary Kraus 1
Fisher, Anita Grossblatt 1
Fisher, Dennis 1
Fishman, Morris 1
Flax, Albert 1
Fletcher, Margie Goznell 1
Flynn, Guy 1
Flynn, Tillie Reinsfelder 1
Foley, Joseph 1
Fontanilla, Prudencio 1
Foreman, Loice Cumor 1
Frederick, Lula 1
Frederick, Mary 1
Freen, Gertrude (Goldie) Rappaport 1
Furstenberg, Frank F. 1
Geraghty, Margaret Kraus 1
Glaeser, Regina Holdorf 1
Goldsmith, Belle Miller 1
Gosnell, Myrtle McMann 1
Grant, Coleman D. 1
Greater Baltimore Committee, Inc. 1
Green, Jacob 1
Griffin, Daniel A. 1
Habitat for Humanity International, Inc. 1
Hackerman, Barbara Sachs 1
Hackerman, Irvin N. 1
Halenski, Mary Anna Wierkoski 1
Hare, Jean 1
Harper, Charlotte Holsey 1
Harrison, Ellouise Green 1
Hayward, Annabelle Brooks 1
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