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Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 27

Giles Sutherland Rich Papers

Identifier: R0049-GSR
Scope and Contents

The Giles Sutherland Rich Papers contains draft legislation, correspondence, and supporting documents dealing with design protection law. The papers were created between 1950 and 1987 and mainly relate to the period when Giles Rich headed the Coordinating Committee on Revision and Amendment of Patent Laws of the National Council of Patent Law Associations, after having come to prominence in the field through his work drafting a federal patent statute which took effect in 1953.

Dates: 1950-1987; Bulk dates: 1953-1977

H. Donald Spatz Papers

Identifier: R0115-HDS
Scope and Contents

The H. Donald Spatz Papers contain materials related to Spatz' career in radio between the 1960 and 1969. The collection contains photographs and transcripts of Spatz' radio commentaries programs on WBAL-AM Radio.

Dates: 1960-1969

Hans Froelicher Papers

Identifier: R0052-HF
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of personal and working papers of Hans Froelicher, Jr., as well as the papers of his wife, Frances Morton Froelicher. Materials include correspondence, newspaper clippings, writings, and photographs; topics include The Park School and the Citizens Planning and Housing Association.

Dates: 1912-1976

Jacques Maroger Papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: R0056-JM
Scope and Contents

The Jacques Maroger Papers includes one oversize box containing collected photographs, French and English art magazines, several portfolios containing prints of artwork, and other print materials. The collection includes facsimiles of news clippings and facsimiles of Maroger art exhibit brochures and events in Baltimore during the the 1940s and 1960s. Also present are two books of medical French anatomy drawings [Anatomie Artistique] circa 1910.

Dates: Other: circa 1940-1970

John A. Ahlers Papers

Identifier: R0055-JAA
Scope and Contents The John A. Ahlers Papers contains personal papers, photographs, artwork and architectural drawings for a variety of private and commercial buildings in the Baltimore area. Examples of architectural plans and materials in the collection include and drawings for homes, building alterations, churches, apartment buildings, business buildings, and other sites. There are also photographs and visual materials present in the collection documenting the Bethlehem Steel building, Northwood Apartments,...
Dates: 1895-1971; Bulk: 1935-1957

John "Kinderman" Taylor Papers

Identifier: R0165-JKT
Abstract John Taylor, or “The Kinderman,” was an educator, singer, dancer, and children’s television star based in Maryland. His work focused on bringing song, dance, and art to children through his television shows “It’s Kindertime” and “The Kinderman Show,” and through community events and workshops around the Maryland region. This collection consists of a portion of John “Kinderman” Taylor’s educational materials, awards, newspaper clippings, photographs, and other records relating to his career...
Dates: circa 1970-2018

John V. A. Weaver Papers

Identifier: R0127-WEAVER
Scope and Contents

This collection includes the transcripts of manuscripts, plays, and poetry written by John Van Alstyn Weaver, a novelist, poet, and screenwriter, between 1920 and 1932.

Dates: 1920-1932

Mary Ellen Hayward Papers

Identifier: R0175-MEH
Scope and Contents Note The Mary Ellen Hayward Papers include textual records and photographic materials documenting the work and activities of Mary Ellen Hayward (1947-2020), a public historian and preservationist who advocated for Baltimore historical neighborhoods. Throughout her career as a public historian, Hayward studied Baltimore City architecture including the history of row houses and alley houses, architecture, and neighborhood histories. The collection materials include textual and...
Dates: circa 1975-2010

Mary Owings Miller Papers

 Collection — Box: SX-B1
Identifier: R0075-MOM
Scope and Contents The Mary Owings Miller Papers primarily documents Mary Owings Miller's activities as a poet, editor, and publisher. The collection includes writings, manuscripts, proofs, reviews, correspondence, and financial and business records related to the 'Contemporary Poetry' publication and other publications work. Also present are personal papers related to Miller's writings and life. These include published works, photographs, personal correspondence, newspaper clippings, and certificates and...
Dates: 1918-1972; Bulk dates: 1937-1972

Mary Risteau Papers

Identifier: R0077-MR
Scope and Contents

The Mary Risteau Papers document aspects of Risteau's life and memory through the collection of clippings, correspondence, memorabilia, and other materials dating between 1846 and 1990. This collection includes correspondence, magazine and newspaper clippings, travel souvenirs, articles by Risteau, a poster, yearbook, photographs, and books. Formats are primarily textual, but also include still image materials.

Dates: 1846-1990

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  • Subject: Personal papers X

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correspondence 16
photographs 14
Maryland--Baltimore 13
clippings files 13
Maryland 6
∨ more
Women 5
Artists 4
Lawyers 4
Civil rights 3
Community organization 3
Politics and government 3
Social action 3
Urban renewal 3
administrative records 3
articles 3
speeches (documents) 3
African American business enterprises 2
African Americans 2
Architects 2
Architecture 2
Campaign paraphernalia 2
City planning 2
Collectors 2
Community activists 2
Conscientious objectors 2
Historic buildings 2
Historic preservation 2
Judges 2
Poets, American 2
Political activists 2
Political campaigns 2
Public housing 2
Public welfare 2
Social reformers 2
Social workers 2
Teachers 2
United States 2
World War (1914-1918) 2
audiotapes 2
brochures 2
bumper stickers 2
financial records 2
political posters 2
reports 2
videotapes 2
writings (documents) 2
African American dancers 1
African Americans--Housing 1
American poetry 1
Awards 1
Central business districts 1
Child welfare 1
Civic improvement 1
Civic leaders 1
Commercial buildings 1
Dancers 1
Design protection 1
Discrimination in housing 1
Education 1
Educational equalization 1
Elections 1
Express highways 1
Gentrification 1
Greater Baltimore Committee, Inc. 1
Highway planning 1
Historic districts 1
Hochschild, Kohn & Co. 1
Housing Authority of Baltimore City 1
Housing--Law and legislation 1
Immigrants 1
Iraq 1
Ireland 1
Irish Americans--Attitudes 1
Irish question 1
Juvenile courts 1
Manuals (instructional materials) 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Bolton Hill 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Charles Center 1
Maryland--Baltimore--East Baltimore 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Inner Harbor 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Northwood 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Wyman Park 1
Maryland--Howard County 1
Mayors 1
Military campaigns 1
Military history 1
Neighborhoods 1
NewYork (State)--New York--Greenwich Village 1
Nonprofit organizations 1
Painters 1
Patent laws and legislation 1
Peace movements 1
Performing arts 1
Planning communities 1
Public history 1
Public welfare administration 1
Race discrimination 1
Radicalism 1
Radio announcing 1
+ ∧ less
Republican Party (Md.) 2
Ahlers, John Allan, 1895-1983 1
Anderson, Eva (Dancer) 1
Andrews, Lyman, Jr. 1
Bachman, Frederick 1
∨ more
Baltimore (Md.). City Council 1
Baltimore (Md.). Department of Social Services 1
Baltimore (Md.). Department of Welfare 1
Baltimore (Md.). Mayor (1947-1959: D'Alesandro) 1
Baltimore Committee for Political Freedom 1
Baltimore Dance Theatre (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore Museum of Art 1
Baltimore YMCA 1
Black, Walter Evan, Jr., 1926- 1
Bremner, D. (David) 1
Canadian Army 1
Canadian Expeditionary Force 1
Citizens Housing Council of Baltimore 1
Citizens Planning & Housing Association (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Coleman, Elliot 1
Cook, Dick V. 1
D'Alesandro, Thomas J., Jr., 1903-1987 1
Democratic National Convention 1
Democratic Party (Md.) 1
Dwight, Mabel, 1876-1955 1
Eva Anderson Dancers, Ltd. (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Froelicher, Frances Morton, 1912-1994 1
Froelicher, Hans, 1891-1976 1
Gogarty, Oliver St. John 1
Greater Homewood Community Corporation 1
Hart, Richard 1
Hayward, Mary Ellen "Mimi", 1947-2020 1
Holroyd, Fred, 1942- 1
Housemann, Joy 1
Hugel, David H. 1
Hughes, William C., 1937-2023 1
Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Baltimore 1
Irish National Caucus 1
Irish People 1
Jacobsen, Josephine 1
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions 1
Johns Hopkins University. Levering Hall YMCA 1
Kaufman, A. Robert, 1931-2009 1
Kellaway, Frank 1
Larson, Dean M., b. 1957 - 1
Lazarus, Esther, 1900-1980 1
Marker, William (Bill) 1
Maroger, Jacques, 1884-1962 1
Maryland Committee to Uphold the Public Accommodations Law 1
Maryland Historical Society 1
Maryland Institute, College of Art 1
Maryland. Circuit Court (Baltimore). Juvenile Division 1
Maryland. General Assembly. House of Delegates 1
Maryland. State Department of Public Welfare 1
Miller, Mary Owings, 1900- 1
Miller, Raymond B. 1
National Council of Patent Law Associations (U.S.). Coordinating Committee on Revision and Amendment of Patent Laws 1
Park School (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Rich, Giles Sutherland, 1904-1999 1
Risteau, Mary Eliza Watters, 1890-1978 1
Robinson, Betty Garman, 1939 - 2020 1
Sandeen, Ernest 1
Seidenberg, Roderick, 1889-1973 1
Shapiro, Karl 1
Sinn Fein 1
Sondheim, Walter, Jr., 1908-2007 1
Spatz, H. Donald, 1913- 1
Taylor, John, 1936-2018 1
United Church of Christ 1
United States Commission on Civil Rights. Maryland Advisory Committee 1
United States. Army 1
United States. Attorney (Maryland) 1
United States. Congress. House 1
United States. Court of Appeals (Federal Circuit) 1
United States. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals 1
United States. District Court (Maryland) 1
University of Maryland at Baltimore. School of Social Work and Community Planning 1
WBAI Radio (New York, N.Y.) 1
WBAL (Radio Station: Baltimore, Md.) 1
WISH (Women in Self-Help) 1
Wallis, Charles Glenn 1
Wallis, Eleanor Glenn 1
Ward, Thomas H., 1927-2016 1
Waxter Center for Senior Citizens 1
Waxter, Thomas J. S. (Thomas Jacob Shryock), 1898-1962 1
Weaver, John V. A. (John Van Alstyne), 1893-1938 1
Weisgal, Fred, 1919-1991 1
Wickwire, Chester 1
YMCA of Greater Baltimore 1
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