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Showing Collections: 21 - 27 of 27

Roderick Seidenberg and Mabel Dwight Papers

Identifier: R0105-RS
Scope and Contents The Roderick Seidenberg and Mabel Dwight Papers describe the activities and literary works of Roderick Seidenberg and Mabel Dwight in addition to Dwight's lithographic print artwork. A large portion of this collection consists of Dwight's correspondence with Seidenberg. The collection also contains materials related to Seidenberg's time as a conscientious objector and internment. Materials are mainly textual and include correspondence, personal files, news clippings, publications, short...
Dates: 1917-1974

Thomas H. Ward Papers

Identifier: R0167-THW

The collection documents the life and career of Thomas H. Ward, a former Baltimore Circuit Court judge, Baltimore City Councilman, president of Mount Royal Democratic Club, and founder of the Society for the Preservation of Federal Hill and Fells point. The collection includes materials related Urban Renewal in Baltimore and Ward's opposition to the proposed East-West Expressway in the 1960s.

Dates: 1952-2009

Thomas J. D'Alesandro, Jr. Papers

Identifier: R0121-TJD
Scope and Contents The Thomas J. D'Alesandro, Jr. Papers document the work and activities of Thomas J. D'Alesandro, Jr. and covers his public career serving as U. S. Representative and Mayor of Baltimore between 1927 and 1969. The collection includes biograpical materials, speeches, correspondence, photographs, and artifacts. Also present are publications and other items related to D'Alsandro's public life in Baltimore City and Maryland politics.The collection covers D'Alesandro's public career...
Dates: 1927-1969

Thomas J. S. Waxter, Jr. Papers

Identifier: R0125-WAXTER
Scope and Contents

The Thomas J. S. Waxter, Jr. Papers include correspondence, files, reports, publications, and notes. The pre-1962 papers include professional correspondence, a social welfare book draft, anonymous history of Baltimore city hospitals, scrapbooks, tapes and transcripts, research note cards, and annual reports. Most of the papers after 1962 concern an unpublished draft of a biography of Waxter by David Bremner.

Dates: 1929-1976

Walter E. Black, Jr. Papers

Identifier: R0128-WEB
Scope and Contents

The Walter E. Black, Jr. Papers consist primarily of records concerning Judge Black’s involvement as an officer of the Baltimore City Republican Party between 1949 and 1970. Materials are mainly textual and include correspondence, campaign brochures, buttons, bumper stickers, broadsides and literature, publications, financial records, minutes, speeches, and talks. Visual materials include photographs and maps.

Dates: 1949-1970

Walter Sondheim, Jr. Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0131-WS

Walter Sondheim, Jr. Papers document the work of Walter Sondheim Jr. (b.1908 – d. 2007) who was a Baltimore civic leader known for his roles in the redevelopment of downtown Baltimore City and the desegregation of Baltimore City schools.

Dates: 1942-1994

William Hughes Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0053-HUG
Scope and Contents The William Hughes Papers include materials related William Hughes’ work as a newspaper contributor, radio commentator, and Irish-American activist. In addition to textual materials, the collection includes 19 audio and 6 video tapes. Textual materials include writings such as articles, commentaries, columns, essays, in addition to letters to the editor, correspondence, and political items. The audio and video tapes document Hughes' interviews on radio and television, guest appearences, and...
Dates: 1990-2001

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  • Subject: Personal papers X

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correspondence 16
photographs 14
Maryland--Baltimore 13
clippings files 13
Maryland 6
∨ more
Women 5
Artists 4
Lawyers 4
Civil rights 3
Community organization 3
Politics and government 3
Social action 3
Urban renewal 3
administrative records 3
articles 3
speeches (documents) 3
African American business enterprises 2
African Americans 2
Architects 2
Architecture 2
Campaign paraphernalia 2
City planning 2
Collectors 2
Community activists 2
Conscientious objectors 2
Historic buildings 2
Historic preservation 2
Judges 2
Poets, American 2
Political activists 2
Political campaigns 2
Public housing 2
Public welfare 2
Social reformers 2
Social workers 2
Teachers 2
United States 2
World War (1914-1918) 2
audiotapes 2
brochures 2
bumper stickers 2
financial records 2
political posters 2
reports 2
videotapes 2
writings (documents) 2
African American dancers 1
African Americans--Housing 1
American poetry 1
Awards 1
Central business districts 1
Child welfare 1
Civic improvement 1
Civic leaders 1
Commercial buildings 1
Dancers 1
Design protection 1
Discrimination in housing 1
Education 1
Educational equalization 1
Elections 1
Express highways 1
Gentrification 1
Greater Baltimore Committee, Inc. 1
Highway planning 1
Historic districts 1
Hochschild, Kohn & Co. 1
Housing Authority of Baltimore City 1
Housing--Law and legislation 1
Immigrants 1
Iraq 1
Ireland 1
Irish Americans--Attitudes 1
Irish question 1
Juvenile courts 1
Manuals (instructional materials) 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Bolton Hill 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Charles Center 1
Maryland--Baltimore--East Baltimore 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Inner Harbor 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Northwood 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Wyman Park 1
Maryland--Howard County 1
Mayors 1
Military campaigns 1
Military history 1
Neighborhoods 1
NewYork (State)--New York--Greenwich Village 1
Nonprofit organizations 1
Painters 1
Patent laws and legislation 1
Peace movements 1
Performing arts 1
Planning communities 1
Public history 1
Public welfare administration 1
Race discrimination 1
Radicalism 1
Radio announcing 1
+ ∧ less
Republican Party (Md.) 2
Ahlers, John Allan, 1895-1983 1
Anderson, Eva (Dancer) 1
Andrews, Lyman, Jr. 1
Bachman, Frederick 1
∨ more
Baltimore (Md.). City Council 1
Baltimore (Md.). Department of Social Services 1
Baltimore (Md.). Department of Welfare 1
Baltimore (Md.). Mayor (1947-1959: D'Alesandro) 1
Baltimore Committee for Political Freedom 1
Baltimore Dance Theatre (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore Museum of Art 1
Baltimore YMCA 1
Black, Walter Evan, Jr., 1926- 1
Bremner, D. (David) 1
Canadian Army 1
Canadian Expeditionary Force 1
Citizens Housing Council of Baltimore 1
Citizens Planning & Housing Association (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Coleman, Elliot 1
Cook, Dick V. 1
D'Alesandro, Thomas J., Jr., 1903-1987 1
Democratic National Convention 1
Democratic Party (Md.) 1
Dwight, Mabel, 1876-1955 1
Eva Anderson Dancers, Ltd. (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Froelicher, Frances Morton, 1912-1994 1
Froelicher, Hans, 1891-1976 1
Gogarty, Oliver St. John 1
Greater Homewood Community Corporation 1
Hart, Richard 1
Hayward, Mary Ellen "Mimi", 1947-2020 1
Holroyd, Fred, 1942- 1
Housemann, Joy 1
Hugel, David H. 1
Hughes, William C., 1937-2023 1
Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Baltimore 1
Irish National Caucus 1
Irish People 1
Jacobsen, Josephine 1
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions 1
Johns Hopkins University. Levering Hall YMCA 1
Kaufman, A. Robert, 1931-2009 1
Kellaway, Frank 1
Larson, Dean M., b. 1957 - 1
Lazarus, Esther, 1900-1980 1
Marker, William (Bill) 1
Maroger, Jacques, 1884-1962 1
Maryland Committee to Uphold the Public Accommodations Law 1
Maryland Historical Society 1
Maryland Institute, College of Art 1
Maryland. Circuit Court (Baltimore). Juvenile Division 1
Maryland. General Assembly. House of Delegates 1
Maryland. State Department of Public Welfare 1
Miller, Mary Owings, 1900- 1
Miller, Raymond B. 1
National Council of Patent Law Associations (U.S.). Coordinating Committee on Revision and Amendment of Patent Laws 1
Park School (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Rich, Giles Sutherland, 1904-1999 1
Risteau, Mary Eliza Watters, 1890-1978 1
Robinson, Betty Garman, 1939 - 2020 1
Sandeen, Ernest 1
Seidenberg, Roderick, 1889-1973 1
Shapiro, Karl 1
Sinn Fein 1
Sondheim, Walter, Jr., 1908-2007 1
Spatz, H. Donald, 1913- 1
Taylor, John, 1936-2018 1
United Church of Christ 1
United States Commission on Civil Rights. Maryland Advisory Committee 1
United States. Army 1
United States. Attorney (Maryland) 1
United States. Congress. House 1
United States. Court of Appeals (Federal Circuit) 1
United States. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals 1
United States. District Court (Maryland) 1
University of Maryland at Baltimore. School of Social Work and Community Planning 1
WBAI Radio (New York, N.Y.) 1
WBAL (Radio Station: Baltimore, Md.) 1
WISH (Women in Self-Help) 1
Wallis, Charles Glenn 1
Wallis, Eleanor Glenn 1
Ward, Thomas H., 1927-2016 1
Waxter Center for Senior Citizens 1
Waxter, Thomas J. S. (Thomas Jacob Shryock), 1898-1962 1
Weaver, John V. A. (John Van Alstyne), 1893-1938 1
Weisgal, Fred, 1919-1991 1
Wickwire, Chester 1
YMCA of Greater Baltimore 1
+ ∧ less