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Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 125

Baltimore Heritage Records

Identifier: R0010-BH
Scope and Content Note This collection documents the history and work of Baltimore Heritage, Inc. between 1961 and 2019. The collection includes the founding documents of the organization, committee work, event and program promotions, edcuational program and tour materials, programs and studies related to the preservation of specific buildings and neighborhoods, documented preservation concerns regarding buildings in the city, and community histories. Materials are mainly textual and include meeting minutes,...
Dates: 1945-2019

Baltimore Industrial Development Commission Records

Identifier: R0012-BIDC
Scope and Contents This collection documents the history, functions, and projects of the Baltimore Industrial Development Commission in Baltimore, Maryland between 1971 and 1975. The collection include materials relating to the Commission's functions and committee work, projects related to local businesses and the City of Baltimore, and newspaper clippings. Materials are mainly textual and include meeting minutes, project reports, reference files, correspondence, organizational, administrative and financial...
Dates: 1971-1975

Baltimore Neighborhood Heritage Project

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0014-BNHP
Abstract From 1978 through 1981, the Baltimore Neighborhood Heritage Project (BNHP) recorded and collected oral histories from longtime residents of seven Baltimore neighborhoods -- Highlandtown, Hampden, Park Heights, Little Italy, South Baltimore, Old West Baltimore, and East Baltimore--and with workers in and around the Port of Baltimore. These oral histories attempted to uncover information about select aspects of neighborhood life and the experience of neighborhood residents from the perspective...
Dates: 1978-1981

Baltimore Neighborhoods, Incorporated Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0015-BNI
Scope and Contents Collection contains materials documenting the work and history of the Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc. organization between 1958 and 2018. It includes program descriptions and history, minutes, reports and financial statements, surveys, tenants' manuals, correspondence, reports and studies, and newsletters. Also included are papers of the Research Advisory Committee and the Leadership Council for Fair Housing in Maryland. Also present are outreach materials, photographs, artifacts, audiovisual...
Dates: 1958-2018; 1967-1970

Baltimore Recycling Coalition Records

Identifier: R0018-BRC
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of newsletters, minutes, reports, correspondence, research and reference materials relating to solid waste disposal in Baltimore City between 1985 and 2004. Topics of note include city recycling, composting, landfills, and legislation. Materials are mainly textual. The collection also includes photographs and audiovisual materials.

Dates: 1985-2004; Bulk 1990-1994

Baltimore Region Institutional Studies Center Records

Identifier: R0138-BRISC
Scope and Contents

The collection includes administrative records of BRISC documenting the organization's work between 1973 and 1984. The collection describes BRISC's grant projects, oral history projects, the work of Adele M. Newberger, committee work, fellowships, and more. Materials are mainly textual and include grant applications, correspondence, planning reports, subject files, oral history transcripts, materials from the director's office, and published material.

Dates: 1972-1987

Baltimore Sixty-Eight Riots Collection

 Collection — Box: 8
Identifier: R0142-BSR
Scope and Content Note The Baltimore Sixty-Eight Riots Collection contains 68 oral history interviews conducted for the "Baltimore '68: Riots and Rebirth" project, as well as notes, interview materials, correspondence and oral history interview forms. The interviews were produced by UBalt students and others working with Professors Elizabeth Nix, Jessica Elfenbein, and Thomas Hollowak. Project documentation materials include student scrapbooks and research portfolios, photocopies of historic newspaper coverage,...
Dates: circa 2006-2008

Baltimore Urban Renewal and Housing Authority Records

 Collection — Box: 1x
Identifier: R0019-BURHA
Scope and Contents

This collection contains materials documenting the history and work of the Baltimore Urban Renewal and Housing Agency (BURHA) between 1962 and 1967. Materials are mainly textual and include Commission meeting minutes, Design Advisory Panel meeting minutes, fiscal and budget information, correspondence, press releases, reports, project and grants information, publications, and other material submitted to members of the agency’s governing commission.

Dates: 1962-1967

Baltimore Voices Company Records

Identifier: R0020-BVC
Scope and Contents The collection contains materials documenting the history and work of the Baltimore Voices Company, a theatre project connected to the Baltimore Neighborhood Heritage Project (BNHP), between 1977 and 1982. The Baltimore Voices Company's theatrical play was performed in Baltimore in 1980. Materials in the collection include oral history audio recordings, transcripts of interviews, biographical sketches, publications, posters, correspondence, writings, musical sheets, and brochures. The...
Dates: 1977-1982

Baltimore Waterfront Promenade Records

Identifier: R0183-BWP
Scope and Contents

The collection documents the planning and implementation of the Baltimore Waterfront Promenade between 1989 and 2010 by multiple local stakeholders, including nonprofits, neighborhood groups, and municipal planners. The types of records include vision statements, implementation strategies, fact sheets, mailers, meeting agendas and minutes, event files, news clippings, and correspondence.

Dates: 1989 - 2012

Filtered By

  • Subject: Maryland -- Baltimore. X
  • Subject: Maryland -- Baltimore. X
  • Subject: Maryland--Baltimore X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Maryland--Baltimore 108
correspondence 74
administrative records 62
photographs 37
clippings files 32
∨ more
Neighborhoods 28
financial records 27
reports 22
Urban renewal 17
newsletters 16
Maryland 15
Personal papers 14
City planning 12
Architecture 11
Historic buildings 9
Homeowners' associations 9
Maryland--Baltimore--West Baltimore 9
Women 9
oral histories (document genres) 9
African Americans 8
Community activists 8
Community organization 8
Education 8
Historic preservation 8
Nonprofit organizations 8
Historic districts 7
Maryland--Baltimore Metropolitan Area 7
Politics and government 7
audiotapes 7
brochures 7
African Americans--Housing 6
Discrimination in housing 6
Economic history 6
Highway planning 6
Public housing 6
Transportation 6
architectural documents 6
scrapbooks 6
Civil rights 5
Community development, Urban 5
Community power 5
Economic development 5
Housing 5
Maryland--Baltimore County 5
Maryland--Baltimore--Bolton Hill 5
Political participation 5
Public history 5
Public schools 5
interviews 5
videotapes 5
Architects 4
Artists 4
Charities 4
Community development 4
Express highways 4
Land use--Planning 4
Maryland--Baltimore--Canton 4
Maryland--Baltimore--East Baltimore 4
Mayors 4
Municipal government 4
Parks 4
Public welfare 4
Regional planning 4
Waterfronts 4
case files 4
maps (documents) 4
membership lists 4
pamphlets 4
speeches (documents) 4
Boards of trade 3
Citizen participation 3
Citizens' associations 3
Civic improvement 3
Commerce 3
Community life 3
Elections 3
Gentrification 3
Housing authorities 3
Landlord and tenant 3
Lawyers 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Butchers Hill 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Fells Point 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Highlandtown 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Mount Washington 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Northwood 3
Polish Americans 3
Poverty 3
Public health 3
Race relations 3
Social action 3
Social conditions 3
United States 3
articles 3
minutes (administrative records) 3
slides (photographs) 3
writings (documents) 3
16mm (photographic film size) 2
African American business enterprises 2
African Americans--Relations with Jews 2
Architectural firms 2
+ ∧ less
Boitnott, Carolyn 6
Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Baltimore 6
Citizens Planning & Housing Association (Baltimore, Md.) 5
Baltimore Association of Commerce 4
Elfenbein, Jessica I. 4
∨ more
Hollowak, Thomas L. 4
Merchants and Manufacturers Association (Baltimore, Md.) 4
Mikulski, Barbara 4
Nix, Elizabeth M. (Elizabeth Morrow), 1964- 4
Greater Baltimore Committee, Inc. 3
Movement Against Destruction (Organization) 3
Schaefer, William Donald 3
Southeast Council Against the Road (Baltimore, Md.) 3
Ahlers, John Allan, 1895-1983 2
Baltimore (Md.). City Council 2
Baltimore (Md.). Economic Development Commission 2
Baltimore (Md.). Mayor (1971-1987: Schaefer) 2
Baltimore (Md.). Model Cities Agency 2
Baltimore (Md.). Urban Renewal and Housing Agency 2
Baltimore Board of Trade (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Baltimore City Public Schools 2
Baltimore Development Corporation 2
Baltimore Economic Development Corporation 2
Baltimore Heritage, Inc. 2
Baltimore Neighborhood Heritage Project 2
Bullock, Helen Baker 2
Chapman, Robert Breck 2
Citizens Housing Council of Baltimore 2
Commission on Governmental Efficiency and Economy (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Democratic Party (Md.) 2
Export and Import Board of Trade of Baltimore 2
Fells Point Planning Council (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Industrial Bureau of Trade 2
Keck, Jim 2
Maryland Food Committee, Inc. 2
Matthews, Dorothy 2
Model Urban Neighborhood Demonstration (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Mount Vernon Woodberry Mills, Inc. 2
Neighborhood Design Center (Baltimore, Md.) 2
People's Community Health Center (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Ready, Samuel, 1789-1871 2
Samuel Ready Scholarships, Inc. 2
Samuel Ready School (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Schmoke, Kurt L. 2
Shivers, Frank R., 1924-2021 2
Southeast Community Organization (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Trustees of the Samuel Ready School for Female Orphans 2
Ward, Thomas H., 1927-2016 2
Waterfront Coaltition (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Wickwire, Chester 2
Acreage Land Company (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Action for the Homeless 1
Acton, Betty Shade 1
Adrian, Marlene J., Dr. 1
Albright, Ken 1
Alfriend, Barbara 1
Alfriend, Hunter 1
Allen, Billy 1
Almoney, Leon C. 1
American Institute of Architects. Baltimore Chapter 1
Anderson, Alex, Commodore 1
Anderson, Catherine 1
Anderson, Eva (Dancer) 1
Antosiak, Lucjan 1
Apicella, Benjamin 1
Apicella, Eleanor Lancellota 1
Archives of Maryland Polonia 1
Arnold, Albert 1
Aull, Gloria 1
Averella, Louis 1
Bacigalupa, Robert 1
Bailey, Beatrice Hawkins 1
Baker, Dora 1
Balicki, John 1
Baltimore (Md.). Commission for Historic and Architectural Preservation 1
Baltimore (Md.). Department of Housing and Community Development 1
Baltimore (Md.). Department of Social Services 1
Baltimore (Md.). Department of Welfare 1
Baltimore (Md.). Mayor (1947-1959: D'Alesandro) 1
Baltimore (Md.). Mayor (1987-1999: Schmoke) 1
Baltimore (Md.). Police Department 1
Baltimore (Md.). Urban Services Agency 1
Baltimore City Fair, Inc. 1
Baltimore City Public Schools. Social Work Services 1
Baltimore City. Office of Civil Rights 1
Baltimore College of Commerce 1
Baltimore Committee for Political Freedom 1
Baltimore Council for Equal Business Opportunity 1
Baltimore Council of Equal Business Opportunities, Inc. 1
Baltimore County (Md.). Planning Board 1
Baltimore Criminal Justice Commission 1
Baltimore Dance Theatre (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore Harbor Endowment (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore Harbor Watershed Association (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore Industrial Development Corporation 1
Baltimore Industry Development Corporation 1
Baltimore Museum of Art 1
Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc. 1
Baltimore Orioles (Baseball team) 1
Baltimore Poe House and Museum 1
+ ∧ less