Showing Collections: 1 - 2 of 2
American Clan Gregor Society Records
Identifier: R0001-ACGS
Scope and Contents
This collection includes both organizational records and genealogy research. The organizational records are primarily correspondence between council members from the mid-1950's to the early 1980's. The genealogy research on the MacGregor and Magruder family lines represents the work of several members of the society, including Thomas Garland Magruder, Charles Kurz, and Regina Hill. This archival collection compliments the society's Marshall Magruder Memorial Library, also housed at the...
1863 - 2012; 1950 - 1980
Community Association of Sudbrook Park Records
Identifier: R0136-CASP
Scope and Contents
The collection includes copies of early Olmsted planning documents and early photographs of the community. The bulk of the collection consists of organizational records of the community association. Materials include newsletters, meeting books, membership directories, scrapbooks, newspaper articles, reports, association correspondence, maps, and presentation boards for various community projects.
Other: Date Not Yet Determined
Found in:
Baltimore Studies Archives