Showing Collections: 41 - 46 of 46
Ten Hills Collection
Thomas H. Ward Papers
The collection documents the life and career of Thomas H. Ward, a former Baltimore Circuit Court judge, Baltimore City Councilman, president of Mount Royal Democratic Club, and founder of the Society for the Preservation of Federal Hill and Fells point. The collection includes materials related Urban Renewal in Baltimore and Ward's opposition to the proposed East-West Expressway in the 1960s.
Thomas J. D'Alesandro, Jr. Papers
Walter Sondheim, Jr. Papers
Walter Sondheim, Jr. Papers document the work of Walter Sondheim Jr. (b.1908 – d. 2007) who was a Baltimore civic leader known for his roles in the redevelopment of downtown Baltimore City and the desegregation of Baltimore City schools.
Woodbridge Valley Improvement and Civic Association, Inc. Records
This collection documents the activities of the Woodbridge Valley Improvement & Civic Association (WVICA) between its founding in 1970 through 2000. The collection includes organizational records such as meeting minutes, contracts and agreements, newsletters, directories, case files, correspondence, reports, by-laws, and rosters. Also present are photographs related to the association's work.
Young Men's Christian Association of Central Maryland Records
The Young Men's Christian Association of Central Maryland Records documents the functions and activities of the organization between 1835 and 1976. The collection contains annual reports, special studies, minutes, old membership books, correspondence, bulletins, yearbooks, financial records, newspaper clippings, photographs, camp cards, and subscriber lists.