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Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Baltimore Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0022-CCMB
Scope and Contents

The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Baltimore Records document the organization's work promoting the business, commercial, and industrial development of the Baltimore metropolitan area circa 1960-1980. Materials are mainly textual and include correspondence, minutes, administrative files, financial records, housekeeping records, industry analyses, certifications of import, and reference files of Baltimore’s principal business organizations.

Dates: circa 1960-1980

Merchants and Manufacturers Association Records

Identifier: R0074-MMA
Scope and Contents

The Merchants and Manufacturers Association Records document the activities of the association between 1904 and 1923. The collection includes meeting minutes, reports, and materials from the executive committee and board of directors, annual meetings, general meetings, and special committees work. The collection also includes financial records of the organization.

Dates: 1904-1923

Filtered By

  • Subject: Maryland -- Baltimore. X
  • Subject: Economic history X
  • Subject: Maryland--Baltimore X
  • Subject: Maryland--Baltimore Metropolitan Area X
  • Names: Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Baltimore X

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Additional filters:

Boards of trade 1
Economic development 1
Maryland--Baltimore 1
Transportation 1
correspondence 1