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Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 28

Lafayette Square Community Center Records

Identifier: R0060-LSC
Scope and Contents

The Lafayette Square Community Center Records documents the functions and activities of the Center between 1958 and 1969. The records are mainly textual and include by-laws, constitution, reports, correspondence, minutes, and publications.

Dates: 1958-1969

Local History Research Collection

Identifier: R0058-LHR
Scope and Contents This collection contains subject-based vertical files that include ephemera, photographs, news clippings, and academic papers related to the Baltimore metropolitan area and its history. Subjects include architecture, genealogy, local clubs and organizations, Baltimore area commerce, business and labor, neighborhoods and communities, education, religion, transportation, LGBTQ history, historical preservation of buildings and parks, and other topics related to Baltimore history. Materials...
Dates: Other: Date Not Yet Determined

Mount Washington Improvement Association Records

Identifier: R0084-MWIA

The Mount Washington Improvement Association is a neighborhood association serving Mount Washington in Baltimore City. This collection documents the history and work of the association between 1894-1996.

Dates: 1894-1996

North Avenue Collection

Identifier: R0090-NA
Scope and Content Note This collection contains materials that are a combination of two distinct research projects: the NORTH AVENUE 100 project conducted in 1985-1986 under the direction of Dr. Elaine Eff, and University of Baltimore undergraduate coursework in community studies lead by Dr. Jessica I. Elfenbein in 2005. Materials in this collection include oral history text transcripts, photographs, and student produced projects.The first series in this collection, Penn-North Oral Histories, 1986,...
Dates: 1985-2005

Northeast Community Organization Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0087-NECO
Scope and Contents The Northeast Community Organization Records documents the work of the community organization between 1969 and 1979. Subjects of note included in this collection are Baltimore community organizing, neighborhood improvement associations, and housing discrimination. Materials are mainly textual and include meeting minutes, correspondence, subject files, financial records, flyers, newsletters, and organizational records related to staff and the office of the president. Also present are visual...
Dates: 1969-1979

Original Northwood Association Records

Identifier: R0143-ONA
Scope and Contents Collection includes 10 boxes containing records describing the work of this constituent group of the Northwood Covenant Association between 1955 and 1995. In addition to general records, one section of the collection documents the work of a Task Force regarding a shopping center, and another section includes a drawing of an address on Argonne Drive. Materials are mainly textual and include various records documenting the covenant community, meeting minutes, correspondence, and...
Dates: 1955-1995

Reservoir Hill Oral History Collection

Identifier: R0103-RHOH
Scope and Contents This collection contains six text transcripts of oral history interviews conducted with residents of the Reservoir Hill neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland in 2010 by UB students. The Reservoir Hill neighborhood is traditionally defined as being bordered by North Avenue, Eutaw Place, Druid Park Lake Drive and Mount Royal Terrace. Topics discussed during the interviews include the Baltimore City SCOPE programs that helped homebuyers purchase and rehabilitate city-owned houses in the early...
Dates: 2010 October-November

Roland Park Civic League Records

Identifier: R0104-RPCL
Scope and Contents This collection includes minutes, ledgers, blueprints, correspondence, membership cards, audit reports, payroll books of the Roland Park Civic League, incorporated in 1907. Notably, it contains the minutes of the Roland Park Civic League spanning the years 1955 and 1972, and of the Roland Park Roads and Maintenance Corporation dating between 1911 and 1973, with large gaps between 1953 and 1959. Blueprints and specifications document a significant number of houses and garages built or altered...
Dates: 1903-1978

Sandtown Habitat for Humanity Collection

Identifier: R0188-SWH
Content Description

The collection contains audiovisual documentation of the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood in West Baltimore from 1986 to 2015. The photographic images and video footage represent a significant community-based perspective on neighborhood life, specifically related to the building of houses by community members in coordination with the Christian nonprofit, Habitat for Humanity.

Dates: 1986 - 2015

Seton Hill Collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0164-STN
Content Description The collection contains documentation on the Seton Hill neighborhood from the 1960s to the present, with the bulk of the records from the 1970s through the 1990s. Included are organizational records for the Seton Hill Neighborhood Association and Seton Hill Organizations Together (SHOT), as well as the historical research files of longtime neighborhood leader, Tom Kravitz. Types of records include newsletters, bylaws, meeting minutes, maps, historical narratives, photographs of buildings in...
Dates: 1960s-2010s; Majority of material found in 1970s-1990s

Filtered By

  • Subject: Maryland -- Baltimore. X
  • Subject: Maryland X
  • Subject: Neighborhoods X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Maryland--Baltimore 21
administrative records 16
correspondence 15
photographs 11
clippings files 10
∨ more
Homeowners' associations 8
financial records 7
Architecture 6
Historic districts 6
Historic preservation 6
Maryland--Baltimore--West Baltimore 6
newsletters 6
oral histories (document genres) 5
reports 5
Historic buildings 4
Urban renewal 4
maps (documents) 4
Citizens' associations 3
Community activists 3
Community life 3
Community organization 3
Discrimination in housing 3
Housing 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Bolton Hill 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Butchers Hill 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Canton 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Fells Point 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Highlandtown 3
architectural documents 3
audiotapes 3
African Americans--Housing 2
African Americans--Relations with Jews 2
Citizen participation 2
City planning 2
Common interest ownership communities 2
Common interest ownership community associations 2
Community development 2
Community organizations 2
Community power 2
Ethnology 2
Fairs 2
Gentrification 2
Highway planning 2
Maryland--Baltimore County 2
Maryland--Baltimore--East Baltimore 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Hampden 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Northwood 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Station North Arts District 2
Parks 2
Planned communities 2
Political participation 2
Real estate development 2
blueprints (reprographic copies) 2
membership lists 2
scrapbooks 2
African Americans 1
Architects 1
Architectural firms 1
Artists 1
City dwellers 1
Civic improvement 1
Clubs 1
Community development, Urban 1
Education 1
Express highways 1
Festivals 1
Homosexuality 1
Housing development 1
Human services 1
Labor 1
Land use--Planning 1
Landlord and tenant 1
Marine terminals 1
Maryland 1
Maryland--Baltimore--American Can Company Site 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Ednor Gardens 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Greenmount West 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Guilford 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Harlem Park 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Harlem Park/Lafayette Square 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Homeland 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Inner Harbor East 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Lakeside 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Mount Royal 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Mount Washington 1
Maryland--Baltimore--North Avenue 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Roland Park 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Sandtown-Winchester 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Seton Hill Historic District 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Stone Hill 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Woodberry 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Wyndham Hotel 1
Maryland--Catonsville 1
Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis), 1880-1956 1
Oral tradition 1
Planned unit developments 1
Public history 1
Race relations 1
Real estate business--Moral and ethical practices 1
+ ∧ less
Boitnott, Carolyn 3
Baltimore Heritage, Inc. 2
Bullock, Helen Baker 2
Elfenbein, Jessica I. 2
Matthews, Dorothy 2
∨ more
Mount Vernon Woodberry Mills, Inc. 2
Southeast Community Organization (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Southeast Council Against the Road (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Acton, Betty Shade 1
Ahlers, John Allan, 1895-1983 1
Almoney, Leon C. 1
Anderson, Catherine 1
Apicella, Benjamin 1
Apicella, Eleanor Lancellota 1
Arnold, Albert 1
Averella, Louis 1
Bailey, Beatrice Hawkins 1
Baker, Dora 1
Baltimore (Md.). City Council 1
Baltimore (Md.). Urban Renewal and Housing Agency 1
Baltimore City Fair, Inc. 1
Baltimore Neighborhood Heritage Project 1
Baltimore Traditions 1
Baylis, Beulah M. 1
Beard, A.I. 1
Beard, Louise 1
Beaty, Harry C. 1
Berger, Allan 1
Betts, Roosevelt 1
Block, Harry 1
Bluefeld, Louis 1
Bluefeld, Philip 1
Bolton Hill Community Association 1
Borowski, Josephine Rose 1
Boss, Helen Granger 1
Boulton, Edward H. 1
Bowers, Carrie Riston 1
Bowers, Roland 1
Braun, Beth 1
Briggs, Eleanor Hicks 1
Brooks, Estella 1
Brown, Carrie 1
Brown, Francis H. 1
Browning, L. Jeannette Volkman 1
Bruni, Joseph J. 1
Buell, Joe 1
Buhrman, Melvin A. 1
Burke, Carl C. 1
Butler, Luther M. 1
Caliri, Frances Vaccarino 1
Caplan, Betty Smith 1
Carini, Marguerite Phoebus Rose 1
Carr, Walter R. 1
Carroll, James F. 1
Cavacos, Lula Clentzos 1
Chelf, Merle Martin 1
Cherigo, Charles 1
Chisholm, Octavios (Otis) 1
Church, Grace Emanuel 1
Church, Katherine 1
Citizens Planning & Housing Association (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Colleran, Mary Ellen 1
Collins, Edna 1
Community Association of Sudbrook Park 1
Concerned Citizens for Butchers Hill (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Conn, Minnie Levy 1
Connor, Edward G. 1
Cook, Raymond 1
Cookerly, William F. 1
Cox, Lucy Jane Neal 1
Cuba, John 1
Cucina, Elvira Pompa 1
Cullison, Virginia 1
Cunzeman, Marie Burns 1
Daiker, Ruth Baker 1
Dannenfelser, Kathleen Ruth 1
Davis, Viola Brown 1
DeAntoniis, Reparta Castagna 1
DeVaughn, Myrtle Bosz 1
Deitrich, Elmira Harper 1
Dennis, Mary Mannis 1
Dermont, Helen (Tessie) Katofski 1
DiCicco, Michael J. 1
DiMartino, Grace Toskes 1
DiMartino, Ruth 1
DiPietro, Dominic (Mimi) 1
DiPietro, Guilia 1
Douglas, Parker B. 1
Doyle, Margaret Cunningham 1
Doyle, Mary Bush 1
Dubeck, Gertrude Schiff 1
Ednor Gardens-Lakeside Civic Association (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Eff, Elaine, 1946- 1
Esposito, Ida Cippolloni 1
Evans, William 1
Everest, Harry 1
Fair, Shirley 1
Fairfax, Clarence 1
Faust, Aiden 1
Fedorchak, Emma 1
+ ∧ less