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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 18

Baltimore Heritage Records

Identifier: R0010-BH
Scope and Content Note This collection documents the history and work of Baltimore Heritage, Inc. between 1961 and 2019. The collection includes the founding documents of the organization, committee work, event and program promotions, edcuational program and tour materials, programs and studies related to the preservation of specific buildings and neighborhoods, documented preservation concerns regarding buildings in the city, and community histories. Materials are mainly textual and include meeting minutes,...
Dates: 1945-2019

Center for Poverty Solutions Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0033-CPS
Scope and Content Note The Center for Poverty Solutions Records documents the activities of the Center between 1989 and 2005. The collection contains materials documenting the activities of the various functions of the Center including the Food Committee, the office of the Executive Director, the Communication Office, the Development Office, and the Program Office. Materials are mainly textual and include annual reports, legislation documentation and testimony, newspaper clippings, lobbying and project...
Dates: 1989-2005

Citizens Planning and Housing Association Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0032-CPHA
Scope and Content Note This collection documents the activities and functions of the Citizens Planning and Housing Association (CPHA) in Baltimore, Maryland between 1936 and 2010. It contains a significant amount of materials documenting the organization and history of CPHA, committees work, conferences and seminars, the office of the president, the executive director's files, research initiatives, the functions of the Baltimore County office, photographs and media dating 1941 to 1997, collected artifacts, various...
Dates: 1936-2010, bulk 1941-2010

Community Association of Sudbrook Park Records

Identifier: R0136-CASP
Scope and Contents

The collection includes copies of early Olmsted planning documents and early photographs of the community. The bulk of the collection consists of organizational records of the community association. Materials include newsletters, meeting books, membership directories, scrapbooks, newspaper articles, reports, association correspondence, maps, and presentation boards for various community projects.

Dates: Other: Date Not Yet Determined

Edgar Allan Poe Society Records

Identifier: R0098-POE
Scope and Contents

The Edgar Allan Poe Society Records document the activities and functions of the Society relating to its annual programs, readings, lectures and events. The collection also includes materials relating to the preservation of the Edgar Allan Poe House and tours provided there for visitors. Materials in the collection include meeting minutes, commemerative program documentation, correspondence, subject files, publications, clippings, photographs, and financial records.

Dates: 1923-2002

Ednor Gardens-Lakeside Civic Association Records

Identifier: R0166-EGL

The Ednor Gardens-Lakeside Civic Association serves two adjacent neighborhoods in Baltimore City. It is one of the oldest civic associations in Baltimore and aims to serve the neighborhood and provide community development. This collection documents the Association’s activities and contains materials related to its history, organizational records, and community projects.

Dates: circa 1964-2009

E.J. Gallagher Realty Company Records

Identifier: R0039-EJG
Scope and Contents Note This collection documents the E. J. Gallagher Realty Company, a real estate business located in Baltimore City, which began in June 1909. The company was active between 1915 and roughly 1950, and is well known for developing Ednor Gardens in Northeast Baltimore. The neighborhood is known for its Tudor, Norman, and Colonial-style rowhouses and detached houses. Materials include correspondence, financial papers, ledger books, house cards, inventories, mortgage papers, loan applications,...
Dates: 1886-1964; Bulk dates, 1920-1955

Eva Anderson's Baltimore Dance Theater Collection

Identifier: R0163-BDT
Abstract Eva Anderson was the artistic director of the Baltimore Dance Theater, which later became Eva Anderson Dancers, Ltd. Anderson’s choreography aimed to perpetuate American dance with a special emphasis African-American dance forms. The Dance Theater performed primarily in Baltimore and the Maryland area, but also traveled around the U.S. and the world. One of Anderson’s dances, “The Elephant,” was originally performed at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C. This...
Dates: circa 1970-2016

Maryland Council of Churches Records

 Collection — Box: SXX-B1
Identifier: R0064-MCC
Scope and Contents The Maryland Council of Churches Records documents the organization's projects and work regarding social justice issues and evangelical work. The collection includes organization history files, surveys, meeting minutes, correspondence, administrative files, evangelism records, financial records, publications, reports, reference materials, photographs, scrapbooks, a newspaper index, and other records documenting the organization's projects and work. Topics of note documented in the collection...
Dates: 1904-1971; Bulk: 1919-1971

Maryland Food Bank Records

Identifier: R0070-MFB
Scope and Contents

The Maryland Foodbank Records collection documents the work, programs, outreach work, and events of the organization between 1979 and 2005. The collection documents the Maryland Foodbank's work with partners and affiliates, communities, and specific programs such as the Second Helping initiative. Materials include meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, photographs, and financial records.

Dates: 1979 - 2005

Filtered By

  • Subject: Maryland -- Baltimore. X
  • Subject: administrative records X
  • Subject: Maryland--Baltimore X
  • Subject: photographs X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Maryland--Baltimore 15
correspondence 15
financial records 9
clippings files 8
Neighborhoods 7
∨ more
newsletters 6
reports 6
Homeowners' associations 4
Community power 3
Historic buildings 3
Poverty 3
Urban renewal 3
maps (documents) 3
videotapes 3
African Americans--Housing 2
Architecture 2
Citizen participation 2
Common interest ownership communities 2
Common interest ownership community associations 2
Express highways 2
Food banks 2
Highway planning 2
Historic districts 2
Historic preservation 2
Homelessness 2
Maryland--Baltimore County 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Ednor Gardens 2
Maryland--Baltimore--West Baltimore 2
Political participation 2
Women 2
African American business enterprises 1
African American dancers 1
African Americans 1
Artists 1
Authors, Americans--Homes and haunts 1
Charities 1
Church and social problems 1
Church work with migrant labor 1
Church work with the poor 1
Civic improvement 1
Community activists 1
Community development 1
Community development, Urban 1
Community organizations 1
Dancers 1
Discrimination in housing 1
Economic development 1
Education 1
Food relief 1
Fund raising 1
Housing 1
Housing authorities 1
Housing--Finance 1
Katyn Massacre (Katynʹ, Russia : 1940) 1
Land tenure 1
Literary landmarks 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Canton 1
Maryland--Baltimore--East Baltimore 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Fells Point 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Highlandtown 1
Maryland--Baltimore--Lakeside 1
Maryland--Catonsville 1
Maryland--Howard County 1
Monuments 1
Nonprofit organizations 1
Orphanages 1
Orthodox Eastern Church 1
Personal papers 1
Planned communities 1
Poland 1
Polish Americans 1
Private schools 1
Protestant churches 1
Public housing 1
Public sculpture 1
Race relations 1
Real estate business 1
Real estate business--Moral and ethical practices 1
Real estate development 1
Row houses 1
Site plans 1
Social conditions 1
Student aid 1
Transportation 1
World War (1939-1945) 1
audiotapes 1
case files 1
membership lists 1
scrapbooks 1
surveys (documents) 1
+ ∧ less
Baltimore Heritage, Inc. 2
Maryland Food Committee, Inc. 2
Mikulski, Barbara 2
Southeast Council Against the Road (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Acreage Land Company (Baltimore, Md.) 1
∨ more
Action for the Homeless 1
Anderson, Eva (Dancer) 1
Antosiak, Lucjan 1
Aull, Gloria 1
Balicki, John 1
Baltimore (Md.). Commission for Historic and Architectural Preservation 1
Baltimore (Md.). Model Cities Agency 1
Baltimore Dance Theatre (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore Poe House and Museum 1
Boitnott, Carolyn 1
Center for Poverty Solutions (Baltimore Md.) 1
Citizens Planning & Housing Association (Baltimore, Md.) 1
City of Baltimore Community Action Agency 1
Community Association of Sudbrook Park 1
E.J. Gallagher Realty Company 1
Eastern Supply Company (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore (Md.) 1
Ednor Gardens-Lakeside Civic Association (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Elfenbein, Jessica I. 1
Eva Anderson Dancers, Ltd. (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Ewing, Bill 1
Fells Point Planning Council (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Gallagher Construction Company (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Gallagher, Albert Norman 1
Gallagher, E. J. (Edward Joseph) 1
Gallagher, Edward Joseph, Jr. 1
Greater Baltimore Committee, Inc. 1
Hollowak, Thomas L. 1
Hunt, James 1
Israel, Stephen 1
Krol, William 1
Lanocha, Frank 1
Maryland Council of Churches 1
Maryland Food Bank America's Second Harvest (Organization) 1
Miegon, Barbara 1
Miegon, George 1
Mislak, James 1
Model Urban Neighborhood Demonstration (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Montebello Land Company (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Movement Against Destruction (Organization) 1
National Katyn Memorial Committee 1
Neighborhood Development Corporation 1
New Town Non-Profit Housing Corporation 1
Northeast Community Organization (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Northeast Real Estate Conservation Program 1
Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 1
Polish American Congress. Maryland Division 1
Ready, Samuel, 1789-1871 1
Samuel Ready Scholarships, Inc. 1
Samuel Ready School (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Sea Host, Inc. 1
Southeast Community Organization (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Spies, Stella 1
Ten Hills Community Association (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Trustees of the Samuel Ready School for Female Orphans 1
United States. Office of Economic Opportunity 1
Westinghouse Corporation 1
Wisniewski, Alfred 1
Woodbridge Valley Improvement and Civic Association, Inc. 1
+ ∧ less