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Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 145

Eva Anderson's Baltimore Dance Theater Collection

Identifier: R0163-BDT
Abstract Eva Anderson was the artistic director of the Baltimore Dance Theater, which later became Eva Anderson Dancers, Ltd. Anderson’s choreography aimed to perpetuate American dance with a special emphasis African-American dance forms. The Dance Theater performed primarily in Baltimore and the Maryland area, but also traveled around the U.S. and the world. One of Anderson’s dances, “The Elephant,” was originally performed at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C. This...
Dates: circa 1970-2016

Frank Lidinsky Political Campaign Collection

 Collection — Box: 4
Identifier: R0159-FLPC
Scope and Contents This collection contains local Baltimore, Maryland political campaign ephemera from the second half of the 20th century spanning 1940-2000. While most material relates to Baltimore elections, some state and a few national political candidates are also represented. The collection includes flyers and other textual ephemera, organized alphabetically by candidate; political campaign stickers, buttons, and campaign signs; and records of Baltimore Democratic clubs, including the Mount Royal...
Dates: 1940-2000

Frank R. Shivers Research Papers

Identifier: R0045-FRS
Scope and Contents The Frank R. Shivers Research Papers contains much of the publication-related work from Shivers' career. Included in the collection is the compiled research and notes utilized in both his published and unpublished work. The local subject matter of these projects ranges from architecture, geography, and education to extensive research into the life and work of Baltimore writer and satirist, H. L. Mencken. Contents include personal notes and research, correspondence, maps and photographs,...
Dates: 1929-2012

Fred E. Weisgal Papers

Identifier: R0161-FEW
Abstract Fred E. Weisgal was an active Baltimore civil rights attorney, Israeli government official, and jazz musician. Mr. Weisgal’s career began in Baltimore in the 1940s when he fought and won a suit to admit black students to the Maryland Institute art school. He then joined the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) where he continued to fight for civil rights. Weisgal represented a number of noteworthy civil rights cases during his career in Baltimore before emigrating to Israel. This collection...
Dates: circa 1940-2008; Majority of material found within Bulk dates: 1940-1991

Friends of the Wyman Park Dell Records

Identifier: R0185-WPD
Content Description

The collection documents local, grassroots, citizen stewardship of a pocket park in North Baltimore City known as the Wyman Park Dell. Types of records contained within the collection include planning and fundraising documents, meeting minutes, annual reports, grant applications, drawings and photographic renderings of the park, event files, and publicity materials.

Dates: 1987-2018

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center of Baltimore and Central Maryland Records

Identifier: R0151-GLCCB
Scope and Contents This collection documents the history of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center of Baltimore and Central Maryland (GLCCB) between 1979 and 2015. The bulk of the collection is a set of "Gay Life" newspapers dating from 1979 to 2014. The collection also includes GLCCB program files, GLCCB photographs and posters, Pride festival planning records and ephemera, artifacts from the former community center on Chase Street and The Hippo nightclub, and memorabilia from the...
Dates: 1979-2015

Greater Baltimore Committee Records

Identifier: R0046-GBC
Scope and Contents The Greater Baltimore Committee Records document the work of the organization between 1955 and 1972. Notably, the collection includes materials from the Poppleton Historic Survey, and the Subcommittee series includes materials related to projects including city planning, airport development, Charles Center and Inner Harbor projects, the Jones Falls Expressway development, and other urban renewal projects. Materials present in the collection include correspondence, subcommittee minutes and...
Dates: 1955-1972

Greater Baltimore Housing Development Corporation Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0047-GBHDC
Scope and Contents The Greater Baltimore Housing Development Corporation Records contains records documenting rebuilding housing, urban renewal, housing construction and rehabilitation between 1965 and 1975. The collection includes records that focus on efforts to rebuild "slot housing" on Carey Street and apartment houses in Shipley Hill. Also included are records on housing construction on Fulton Avenue, rehabilitation of the Gay Street urban renewal area, and relocation housing for displaced African...
Dates: 1965-1975

H. Donald Spatz Papers

Identifier: R0115-HDS
Scope and Contents

The H. Donald Spatz Papers contain materials related to Spatz' career in radio between the 1960 and 1969. The collection contains photographs and transcripts of Spatz' radio commentaries programs on WBAL-AM Radio.

Dates: 1960-1969

Hans Froelicher Papers

Identifier: R0052-HF
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of personal and working papers of Hans Froelicher, Jr., as well as the papers of his wife, Frances Morton Froelicher. Materials include correspondence, newspaper clippings, writings, and photographs; topics include The Park School and the Citizens Planning and Housing Association.

Dates: 1912-1976

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  • Subject: Maryland X
  • Subject: Maryland X
  • Subject: Maryland X
  • Subject: Maryland X

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Baltimore Studies Archives 141
Hereditary and Lineage Organization Archives 4
Maryland--Baltimore 108
correspondence 86
administrative records 72
photographs 44
clippings files 38
∨ more
Maryland 35
financial records 32
reports 31
Neighborhoods 28
newsletters 19
Personal papers 18
Urban renewal 17
City planning 12
Architecture 11
Women 11
brochures 10
oral histories (document genres) 10
African Americans 9
Historic buildings 9
Homeowners' associations 9
Maryland--Baltimore--West Baltimore 9
Nonprofit organizations 9
Politics and government 9
audiotapes 9
membership lists 9
Community activists 8
Community organization 8
Education 8
Historic preservation 8
Historic districts 7
Maryland--Baltimore Metropolitan Area 7
scrapbooks 7
African Americans--Housing 6
Discrimination in housing 6
Economic development 6
Economic history 6
Highway planning 6
Public housing 6
Transportation 6
architectural documents 6
speeches (documents) 6
videotapes 6
Civil rights 5
Community development, Urban 5
Community power 5
Housing 5
Lawyers 5
Maryland--Baltimore County 5
Maryland--Baltimore--Bolton Hill 5
Political participation 5
Public history 5
Public schools 5
United States 5
interviews 5
Architects 4
Artists 4
Charities 4
Community development 4
Express highways 4
Genealogy--Societies, etc. 4
Land use--Planning 4
Maryland--Baltimore--Canton 4
Maryland--Baltimore--East Baltimore 4
Mayors 4
Municipal government 4
Parks 4
Public welfare 4
Regional planning 4
Waterfronts 4
articles 4
bumper stickers 4
case files 4
maps (documents) 4
pamphlets 4
publications (documents) 4
slides (photographs) 4
Boards of trade 3
Campaign paraphernalia 3
Citizen participation 3
Citizens' associations 3
Civic improvement 3
Collectors 3
Commerce 3
Community health services 3
Community life 3
Elections 3
Gentrification 3
Healthcare 3
Housing authorities 3
Landlord and tenant 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Butchers Hill 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Fells Point 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Highlandtown 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Mount Washington 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Northwood 3
Polish Americans 3
Poverty 3
Public health 3
Race relations 3
Social action 3
+ ∧ less
Boitnott, Carolyn 6
Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Baltimore 6
Citizens Planning & Housing Association (Baltimore, Md.) 5
Elfenbein, Jessica I. 5
Baltimore Association of Commerce 4
∨ more
Greater Baltimore Committee, Inc. 4
Hollowak, Thomas L. 4
Merchants and Manufacturers Association (Baltimore, Md.) 4
Mikulski, Barbara 4
Nix, Elizabeth M. (Elizabeth Morrow), 1964- 4
Schaefer, William Donald 4
Baltimore (Md.). Mayor (1971-1987: Schaefer) 3
Movement Against Destruction (Organization) 3
Schmoke, Kurt L. 3
Southeast Council Against the Road (Baltimore, Md.) 3
Ahlers, John Allan, 1895-1983 2
Baltimore (Md.). City Council 2
Baltimore (Md.). Economic Development Commission 2
Baltimore (Md.). Mayor (1987-1999: Schmoke) 2
Baltimore (Md.). Model Cities Agency 2
Baltimore (Md.). Urban Renewal and Housing Agency 2
Baltimore Board of Trade (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Baltimore City Public Schools 2
Baltimore College of Commerce 2
Baltimore Development Corporation 2
Baltimore Economic Development Corporation 2
Baltimore Heritage, Inc. 2
Baltimore Neighborhood Heritage Project 2
Baltimore YMCA 2
Bullock, Helen Baker 2
Chapman, Robert Breck 2
Citizens Housing Council of Baltimore 2
Commission on Governmental Efficiency and Economy (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Democratic Party (Md.) 2
Export and Import Board of Trade of Baltimore 2
Fells Point Planning Council (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Industrial Bureau of Trade 2
Johns Hopkins University. Levering Hall YMCA 2
Keck, Jim 2
Maryland Food Committee, Inc. 2
Matthews, Dorothy 2
Model Urban Neighborhood Demonstration (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Mount Vernon Woodberry Mills, Inc. 2
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 2
Neighborhood Design Center (Baltimore, Md.) 2
People's Community Health Center (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Ready, Samuel, 1789-1871 2
Republican Party (Md.) 2
Samuel Ready Scholarships, Inc. 2
Samuel Ready School (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Shivers, Frank R., 1924-2021 2
Southeast Community Organization (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Trustees of the Samuel Ready School for Female Orphans 2
Wallace, Rob 2
Ward, Thomas H., 1927-2016 2
Waterfront Coaltition (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Westinghouse Corporation 2
Wickwire, Chester 2
YMCA of Greater Baltimore 2
Acreage Land Company (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Action for the Homeless 1
Acton, Betty Shade 1
Adrian, Marlene J., Dr. 1
Albright, Ken 1
Alfriend, Barbara 1
Alfriend, Hunter 1
Allen, Billy 1
Almoney, Leon C. 1
American Institute of Architects. Baltimore Chapter 1
American Lung Association 1
American Lung Association of Maryland 1
Anderson, Alex, Commodore 1
Anderson, Catherine 1
Anderson, Eva (Dancer) 1
Antosiak, Lucjan 1
Apicella, Benjamin 1
Apicella, Eleanor Lancellota 1
Archives of Maryland Polonia 1
Arnold, Albert 1
Aull, Gloria 1
Averella, Louis 1
Bacigalupa, Robert 1
Bailey, Beatrice Hawkins 1
Baker, Dora 1
Balicki, John 1
Baltimore (Md.). Commission for Historic and Architectural Preservation 1
Baltimore (Md.). Department of Housing and Community Development 1
Baltimore (Md.). Department of Social Services 1
Baltimore (Md.). Department of Welfare 1
Baltimore (Md.). Mayor (1947-1959: D'Alesandro) 1
Baltimore (Md.). Police Department 1
Baltimore (Md.). Urban Services Agency 1
Baltimore Birth Control Clinic (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore City Fair, Inc. 1
Baltimore City Public Schools. Social Work Services 1
Baltimore City. Office of Civil Rights 1
Baltimore Committee for Political Freedom 1
Baltimore Council for Equal Business Opportunity 1
Baltimore Council of Equal Business Opportunities, Inc. 1
Baltimore County (Md.). Planning Board 1
+ ∧ less