Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 21
Movement Against Destruction Records
National Association of Social Workers, Maryland Chapter Records
The National Association of Social Workers, Maryland Chapter Records document the functions and activities of NASW-MD and its members between 1927 and 1990. The Collection contains press releases, task forces records, committee records, membership records, financial records, minutes, reports, newsletters, correspondence, and library materials.
National Katyn Memorial Committee Records
Planned Parenthood of Maryland Records
Samuel Ready Scholarships, Inc. Records
Samuel Ready School Records
The Samuel Ready School Records document the history of the Samuel Ready School. The collection includes biographical information about Samuel Ready, and describes the history the school including the facilities and property, the administration, and the student body and alumni. Materials in the collection include minutes, correspondence, reports, student and teacher files, publications, photographs, newspaper clippings, and artifacts and memorabilia.
Society of the War of 1812 in the State of Maryland Records
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, speeches, programs, official reports, pamphlets, brochures, bound volumes of membership applications, constitution and by-laws, membership records, minutes, journals, ledgers.
Sons of the American Revolution in the State of Maryland Records
Minutes, correspondence, by-laws, membership applications, quarterly and annual reports,photographs, newspaper clippings, and publications.
Sons of Veterans, U.S.A. Maryland Division Records
Minutes, correspondence, flyers, by-laws, membership applications, quarterly and annual reports. The bulk of this collection is comprised of the James A. Garfield Camp, No. 1 records. This camp was organized in 1883 and met at the Grand Army Hall, 416 East Baltimore Street.
Waterfront Coalition Records
The Waterfront Coalition was a citizens community group that formed in 1987 and monitored waterfront development in Baltimore City and its effect on Baltimore neighborhoods, communities, and businesses. It represented the interests of homeowners and businesses in Fells Point, Canton, Butchers Hill, and other neighborhoods. This collection contains materials documenting the activities and interests of the Coalition throughout the late 1980s until it dissolved in approximately 2015.