Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 38
Local History Research Collection
Mary Risteau Papers
The Mary Risteau Papers document aspects of Risteau's life and memory through the collection of clippings, correspondence, memorabilia, and other materials dating between 1846 and 1990. This collection includes correspondence, magazine and newspaper clippings, travel souvenirs, articles by Risteau, a poster, yearbook, photographs, and books. Formats are primarily textual, but also include still image materials.
Maryland Committee for Children Records
The Maryland Committee for Children Records document the functions, work, and projects of the organization. The collection includes meeting minutes, committee work, correspondence, press releases, financial records, news clippings, and publications collected by agencies preceding MCH. Some topics noted in the Subject Files series include child welfare, day care, social work, nutrition and health, schools, and legislation among others.
Maryland Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program Records
The Maryland Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program Records documents the functions and activities of the organization. The collection contains reports, newsletters, correspondence, financial records, grant applications, newspaper clippings, and press releases. Some of the organization functions represented in the collection include job training and leadership training initiatives.
Mount Washington Improvement Association Records
The Mount Washington Improvement Association is a neighborhood association serving Mount Washington in Baltimore City. This collection documents the history and work of the association between 1894-1996.
Movement Against Destruction Records
Polish Heritage Association of Maryland Records
The Polish Heritage Association of Maryland Records documents the organizations' activities supporting Polish cultural and educational programs between 1974 and 2012. Materials include bylaws, correspondence, publications, clippings, financial records, programs, activities and events, the Trumpeter newsletters, committees work records, and photographs and other media.
Samuel Ready School Records
The Samuel Ready School Records document the history of the Samuel Ready School. The collection includes biographical information about Samuel Ready, and describes the history the school including the facilities and property, the administration, and the student body and alumni. Materials in the collection include minutes, correspondence, reports, student and teacher files, publications, photographs, newspaper clippings, and artifacts and memorabilia.
Seton Hill Collection
Society of the War of 1812 in the State of Maryland Records
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, speeches, programs, official reports, pamphlets, brochures, bound volumes of membership applications, constitution and by-laws, membership records, minutes, journals, ledgers.