Showing Collections: 101 - 110 of 141
Nes Palmer Cornbrooks and Partners Architectural Plans
North Avenue Collection
Northeast Community Organization Records
Original Northwood Association Records
Palladi Construction Company Records
The Palladi Construction Company Records includes plats, drawings, correspondence, and accounts concerning the work of the Palladi Construction Company, particularly in the West Hills area of Baltimore City and Baltimore County. The collection also includes Palladi family records.
Patricia McDonald Research Papers
The Patricia McDonald Research Papers contains the research materials on women in 19th century Baltimore which Patricia McDonald collected, created, and used for her 1976 dissertation. Some materials include newspaper surveys, books, census materials, head of household indexes, and research related to cities and towns in Maryland such as Baltimore, Frederick, and Hagerstown.
People's Community Health Center Oral History
Pierre C. Dugan and Nephew Company, Inc. Records
The Pierre C. Dugan and Nephew Company, Inc. Records document the firm's work managing commercial and residential real estate properties in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and other locations. The collection includes company correspondence, financial records, wills, deeds, estate papers, leases, rents, plats, atlases of Baltimore City and Baltimore County, lists of materials, and contracts covering public and private real estate, including the Basilica Church and New Cathedral Cemetery.
Planned Parenthood of Maryland Records
Polish Heritage Association of Maryland Records
The Polish Heritage Association of Maryland Records documents the organizations' activities supporting Polish cultural and educational programs between 1974 and 2012. Materials include bylaws, correspondence, publications, clippings, financial records, programs, activities and events, the Trumpeter newsletters, committees work records, and photographs and other media.