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Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 74

Mount Washington Preservation Trust Records

Identifier: R0085-MWPT
Scope and Contents

The Mount Washington Preservation Trust Records documents the work and functions of the nonprofit organization between 1989 and 2003. The collection contains meeting minutes, correspondence, and financial records related to a Baltimore neighborhood land trust.

Dates: 1989-2003

Movement Against Destruction Records

Identifier: R0062-MAD
Scope and Contents Collection documents the activities of the Movement Against Destruction (MAD) coaltion of community groups between 1968 and 1988 as they organized against the proposed construction of expressway highways through neighborhoods in Baltimore, Maryland. Materials are mainly textual and include publications, meeting minutes, correspondence, legal briefs, newspaper clippings, press releases, newsletters, brochures, research files, records documenting public hearings and testimonies, reports. Also...
Dates: 1968-1988

National Katyn Memorial Committee Records

Identifier: R0088-NKMC
Scope and Contents The National Katyn Memorial Committee Records document the work of the Committee between 1990 and 2001. The collection materials relate to the Committee's early formation and organization as a nonprofit, its work planning a site for the National Katyn Memorial east of the Baltimore Inner Harbor, and the dedication of the memorial in 2000 and related publicity. Materials in the collection include meeting minutes, financial records, correspondence, reports, site design records, fundraising...
Dates: 1990-2001

Northeast Community Organization Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0087-NECO
Scope and Contents The Northeast Community Organization Records documents the work of the community organization between 1969 and 1979. Subjects of note included in this collection are Baltimore community organizing, neighborhood improvement associations, and housing discrimination. Materials are mainly textual and include meeting minutes, correspondence, subject files, financial records, flyers, newsletters, and organizational records related to staff and the office of the president. Also present are visual...
Dates: 1969-1979

Original Northwood Association Records

Identifier: R0143-ONA
Scope and Contents Collection includes 10 boxes containing records describing the work of this constituent group of the Northwood Covenant Association between 1955 and 1995. In addition to general records, one section of the collection documents the work of a Task Force regarding a shopping center, and another section includes a drawing of an address on Argonne Drive. Materials are mainly textual and include various records documenting the covenant community, meeting minutes, correspondence, and...
Dates: 1955-1995

Palladi Construction Company Records

Identifier: R0092-PCC
Scope and Contents

The Palladi Construction Company Records includes plats, drawings, correspondence, and accounts concerning the work of the Palladi Construction Company, particularly in the West Hills area of Baltimore City and Baltimore County. The collection also includes Palladi family records.

Dates: 1918-2020

Pierre C. Dugan and Nephew Company, Inc. Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0093-PCD
Scope and Contents

The Pierre C. Dugan and Nephew Company, Inc. Records document the firm's work managing commercial and residential real estate properties in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and other locations. The collection includes company correspondence, financial records, wills, deeds, estate papers, leases, rents, plats, atlases of Baltimore City and Baltimore County, lists of materials, and contracts covering public and private real estate, including the Basilica Church and New Cathedral Cemetery.

Dates: 1873-1975

Polish Heritage Association of Maryland Records

Identifier: R0095-PHA
Scope and Contents

The Polish Heritage Association of Maryland Records documents the organizations' activities supporting Polish cultural and educational programs between 1974 and 2012. Materials include bylaws, correspondence, publications, clippings, financial records, programs, activities and events, the Trumpeter newsletters, committees work records, and photographs and other media.

Dates: 1974-2015

Retired Teachers of Baltimore City Records

 Collection — Box: 1x
Identifier: R0106-RTB
Scope and Contents

The Retired Teachers of Baltimore City Records documents the activities of the nonprofit organization between 1988 and 2010. The collection contains administrative records, newsletters, manuals, minutes, memoranda, correspondence, and photographs.

Dates: 1988-2010

Roland Park Civic League Records

Identifier: R0104-RPCL
Scope and Contents This collection includes minutes, ledgers, blueprints, correspondence, membership cards, audit reports, payroll books of the Roland Park Civic League, incorporated in 1907. Notably, it contains the minutes of the Roland Park Civic League spanning the years 1955 and 1972, and of the Roland Park Roads and Maintenance Corporation dating between 1911 and 1973, with large gaps between 1953 and 1959. Blueprints and specifications document a significant number of houses and garages built or altered...
Dates: 1903-1978

Filtered By

  • Subject: Maryland X
  • Subject: Maryland--Baltimore X
  • Subject: correspondence X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Maryland--Baltimore 64
administrative records 48
financial records 26
clippings files 25
photographs 23
∨ more
reports 19
Neighborhoods 15
Urban renewal 15
newsletters 13
Personal papers 9
Homeowners' associations 8
Maryland 8
City planning 7
Education 6
Women 6
Community activists 5
Historic districts 5
Historic preservation 5
brochures 5
scrapbooks 5
African Americans--Housing 4
Architecture 4
Civil rights 4
Community organization 4
Community power 4
Discrimination in housing 4
Express highways 4
Highway planning 4
Maryland--Baltimore County 4
Maryland--Baltimore Metropolitan Area 4
Maryland--Baltimore--Bolton Hill 4
Maryland--Baltimore--West Baltimore 4
Nonprofit organizations 4
Political participation 4
Public housing 4
Public schools 4
Transportation 4
case files 4
speeches (documents) 4
Charities 3
Community development 3
Community development, Urban 3
Economic development 3
Economic history 3
Historic buildings 3
Housing authorities 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Mount Washington 3
Polish Americans 3
Politics and government 3
Poverty 3
Waterfronts 3
architectural documents 3
articles 3
maps (documents) 3
membership lists 3
videotapes 3
African Americans 2
Central business districts 2
Church and social problems 2
Citizen participation 2
Citizens' associations 2
Common interest ownership communities 2
Common interest ownership community associations 2
Conscientious objectors 2
Education--Parent participation 2
Food banks 2
Homelessness 2
Housing 2
Housing--Law and legislation 2
Land use--Planning 2
Landlord and tenant 2
Lawyers 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Butchers Hill 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Canton 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Fells Point 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Guilford 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Northwood 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Roland Park 2
Maryland--Catonsville 2
Municipal government 2
Planned communities 2
Polish American -- Societies, etc. 2
Private schools 2
Public welfare 2
Race relations 2
Real estate business 2
Regional planning 2
Social conditions 2
Student aid 2
United States 2
Women’s rights 2
blueprints (reprographic copies) 2
legal documents 2
legal files 2
minutes (administrative records) 2
pamphlets 2
Abortion 1
Affirmative action programs 1
African American business enterprises 1
+ ∧ less
Citizens Planning & Housing Association (Baltimore, Md.) 5
Boitnott, Carolyn 4
Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Baltimore 3
Greater Baltimore Committee, Inc. 3
Mikulski, Barbara 3
∨ more
Movement Against Destruction (Organization) 3
Baltimore (Md.). City Council 2
Baltimore (Md.). Economic Development Commission 2
Baltimore (Md.). Urban Renewal and Housing Agency 2
Baltimore City Public Schools 2
Baltimore Development Corporation 2
Baltimore Economic Development Corporation 2
Baltimore Heritage, Inc. 2
Citizens Housing Council of Baltimore 2
Commission on Governmental Efficiency and Economy (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Hollowak, Thomas L. 2
Maryland Food Committee, Inc. 2
Model Urban Neighborhood Demonstration (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Ready, Samuel, 1789-1871 2
Samuel Ready Scholarships, Inc. 2
Samuel Ready School (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Southeast Council Against the Road (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Trustees of the Samuel Ready School for Female Orphans 2
Acreage Land Company (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Action for the Homeless 1
Ahlers, John Allan, 1895-1983 1
Antosiak, Lucjan 1
Archives of Maryland Polonia 1
Aull, Gloria 1
Balicki, John 1
Baltimore (Md.). Department of Social Services 1
Baltimore (Md.). Department of Welfare 1
Baltimore (Md.). Mayor (1947-1959: D'Alesandro) 1
Baltimore (Md.). Model Cities Agency 1
Baltimore Association of Commerce 1
Baltimore Board of Trade (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore City Fair, Inc. 1
Baltimore City Public Schools. Social Work Services 1
Baltimore City. Office of Civil Rights 1
Baltimore Committee for Political Freedom 1
Baltimore Council for Equal Business Opportunity 1
Baltimore Council of Equal Business Opportunities, Inc. 1
Baltimore County (Md.). Planning Board 1
Baltimore Harbor Endowment (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore Harbor Watershed Association (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore Industrial Development Corporation 1
Baltimore Industry Development Corporation 1
Baltimore Museum of Art 1
Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc. 1
Baltimore Orioles (Baseball team) 1
Baltimore Recycling Coalition 1
Baltimore Region Institutional Studies Center 1
Baltimore YMCA 1
Barclay Middle School (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Barry, Bill (Labor activist) 1
Basilica of the Assumption (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Bell-McKoy, Diane 1
Belvedere Hotel Corporation 1
Bolton Hill Community Association 1
Boulton, Edward H. 1
Bremner, D. (David) 1
Camden Yards Sports Complex (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Center for Poverty Solutions (Baltimore Md.) 1
Charles Center (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Church Women United 1
Church Women United of Greater Baltimore 1
Citizens League of Baltimore 1
Citizens for Environmental Planning Today & Tomorrow (Baltimore, Md.) 1
City of Baltimore Community Action Agency 1
Civic Center (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Community Association of Sudbrook Park 1
Concerned Citizens for Butchers Hill (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Consolvo Hotel 1
Corpus Christi-Jenkins Memorial Church (Baltimore, Md.) 1
D'Alesandro, Thomas J., Jr., 1903-1987 1
Daniels, Samuel T. 1
Democratic National Convention 1
Dugan, Hammond J. 1
Dugan, Pierre C. 1
E.J. Gallagher Realty Company 1
Eastern Supply Company (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Elfenbein, Jessica I. 1
Emmart, A. D. (Aldolphus Dunan), 1902-1973 1
Empower Baltimore Management Corporation 1
Ewing, Bill 1
Export and Import Board of Trade of Baltimore 1
Fells Point Planning Council (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Froelicher, Frances Morton, 1912-1994 1
Froelicher, Hans, 1891-1976 1
Gallagher Construction Company (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Gallagher, Albert Norman 1
Gallagher, E. J. (Edward Joseph) 1
Gallagher, Edward Joseph, Jr. 1
Goldseker, Morris 1
Grasty, Charles Henry, 1863-1924 1
Greater Baltimore Committee, Inc. Planning Council 1
Hilltop Theater 1
Hunt, James 1
Industrial Bureau of Trade 1
+ ∧ less