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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 74

American Lung Association Records

Identifier: R0003-ALA

The collection consists primarily of twelve scrapbooks and a limited number of reports, photographs, posters, and film public service announcements documenting the American Lung Association's history and work between 1902 and 1980.

Dates: 1902-1980; Bulk of materials dated: 1917-1967

Baltimore Association of Commerce Records

Identifier: R0006-BAC

This collection contains meeting minutes, reports, audits, and membership lists from the Baltimore Association of Commerce dated between 1924 and 1980. The BAC was the business and civic organization of Baltimore and predecessor to the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Baltimore.

Dates: 1924-1980

Baltimore Chapter of the American Institute of Architects Records

Identifier: R0147-AIA
Scope and Contents

The collection contains 1 box of organizational records of the Maryland Society of the American Institute of Architects from the 1960s and the Baltimore Chapter of the American Institute of Architects in the 1980s and 1990s.

Materials are primarily textual and include items such as minutes, membership rosters, correspondence, and newsletters.

Dates: 1965-1991

Baltimore Council for Equal Business Opportunity Records

Identifier: R0023-CEBO
Scope and Contents This collection documents the work and history of the Council for Equal Business Opportunity (CEBO), an organization that provided free programs to assist minority-owned and small businesses in Baltimore, Maryland. The records in the collection span between 1968 and 2003. Materials are mainly textual and include organizational records, meeting minutes, by-laws, correspondence, financial records, project files including case presentations, Loan Review Committee minutes, and the Marc and Irv...
Dates: 1968-2003

Baltimore Economic Development Commission Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0009-BEDC
Scope and Contents This collection contains materials documenting the business and economic revitalization work of The Baltimore Economic Development Commission (BEDC) in Baltimore, Maryland between 1968 and 2010. Some significant topics included in the collection are urban renewal, transportation, development, local businesses, committee work, and government programs among others. Materials are mainly textual and include minutes, project reports, publications, reference materials, correspondence...
Dates: 1968-2010

Baltimore Heritage Records

Identifier: R0010-BH
Scope and Content Note This collection documents the history and work of Baltimore Heritage, Inc. between 1961 and 2019. The collection includes the founding documents of the organization, committee work, event and program promotions, edcuational program and tour materials, programs and studies related to the preservation of specific buildings and neighborhoods, documented preservation concerns regarding buildings in the city, and community histories. Materials are mainly textual and include meeting minutes,...
Dates: 1945-2019

Baltimore Industrial Development Commission Records

Identifier: R0012-BIDC
Scope and Contents This collection documents the history, functions, and projects of the Baltimore Industrial Development Commission in Baltimore, Maryland between 1971 and 1975. The collection include materials relating to the Commission's functions and committee work, projects related to local businesses and the City of Baltimore, and newspaper clippings. Materials are mainly textual and include meeting minutes, project reports, reference files, correspondence, organizational, administrative and financial...
Dates: 1971-1975

Baltimore Neighborhoods, Incorporated Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: R0015-BNI
Scope and Contents Collection contains materials documenting the work and history of the Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc. organization between 1958 and 2018. It includes program descriptions and history, minutes, reports and financial statements, surveys, tenants' manuals, correspondence, reports and studies, and newsletters. Also included are papers of the Research Advisory Committee and the Leadership Council for Fair Housing in Maryland. Also present are outreach materials, photographs, artifacts, audiovisual...
Dates: 1958-2018; 1967-1970

Baltimore Recycling Coalition Records

Identifier: R0018-BRC
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of newsletters, minutes, reports, correspondence, research and reference materials relating to solid waste disposal in Baltimore City between 1985 and 2004. Topics of note include city recycling, composting, landfills, and legislation. Materials are mainly textual. The collection also includes photographs and audiovisual materials.

Dates: 1985-2004; Bulk 1990-1994

Baltimore Region Institutional Studies Center Records

Identifier: R0138-BRISC
Scope and Contents

The collection includes administrative records of BRISC documenting the organization's work between 1973 and 1984. The collection describes BRISC's grant projects, oral history projects, the work of Adele M. Newberger, committee work, fellowships, and more. Materials are mainly textual and include grant applications, correspondence, planning reports, subject files, oral history transcripts, materials from the director's office, and published material.

Dates: 1972-1987

Filtered By

  • Subject: Maryland X
  • Subject: administrative records X
  • Subject: Maryland X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Baltimore Studies Archives 70
Hereditary and Lineage Organization Archives 4
administrative records 72
Maryland--Baltimore 56
correspondence 56
financial records 25
clippings files 22
∨ more
photographs 21
reports 21
Neighborhoods 16
newsletters 16
Maryland 15
Urban renewal 12
membership lists 9
City planning 8
Homeowners' associations 8
Women 8
Economic history 6
Historic districts 6
Nonprofit organizations 6
Architecture 5
Community activists 5
Community power 5
Economic development 5
Historic preservation 5
Maryland--Baltimore Metropolitan Area 5
Maryland--Baltimore--West Baltimore 5
Political participation 5
African Americans--Housing 4
Community development, Urban 4
Community organization 4
Genealogy--Societies, etc. 4
Highway planning 4
Historic buildings 4
Maryland--Baltimore County 4
Politics and government 4
brochures 4
maps (documents) 4
Boards of trade 3
Charities 3
Citizen participation 3
Commerce 3
Community development 3
Discrimination in housing 3
Education 3
Express highways 3
Housing 3
Housing authorities 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Canton 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Fells Point 3
Maryland--Baltimore--Mount Washington 3
Personal papers 3
Poverty 3
Public housing 3
Public schools 3
Regional planning 3
Transportation 3
Women’s rights 3
architectural documents 3
minutes (administrative records) 3
scrapbooks 3
speeches (documents) 3
videotapes 3
African American business enterprises 2
Architects 2
Citizens' associations 2
Common interest ownership communities 2
Common interest ownership community associations 2
Community organizations 2
Education--Parent participation 2
Elections 2
Food banks 2
Gentrification 2
Homelessness 2
Land use--Planning 2
Lawyers 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Bolton Hill 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Butchers Hill 2
Maryland--Baltimore--East Baltimore 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Ednor Gardens 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Highlandtown 2
Maryland--Baltimore--Northwood 2
Municipal government 2
Patriotic societies 2
Planned communities 2
Polish Americans 2
Private schools 2
Race relations 2
Real estate development 2
Student aid 2
Waterfronts 2
audiotapes 2
blueprints (reprographic copies) 2
bumper stickers 2
buttons (information artifacts) 2
case files 2
pamphlets 2
Abortion 1
Affirmative action programs 1
African American dancers 1
African Americans 1
Alcoholism 1
+ ∧ less
Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Baltimore 6
Baltimore Association of Commerce 4
Boitnott, Carolyn 4
Citizens Planning & Housing Association (Baltimore, Md.) 4
Merchants and Manufacturers Association (Baltimore, Md.) 4
∨ more
Mikulski, Barbara 3
Movement Against Destruction (Organization) 3
Southeast Council Against the Road (Baltimore, Md.) 3
Baltimore (Md.). Economic Development Commission 2
Baltimore (Md.). Urban Renewal and Housing Agency 2
Baltimore Board of Trade (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Baltimore City Public Schools 2
Baltimore Development Corporation 2
Baltimore Economic Development Corporation 2
Baltimore Heritage, Inc. 2
Commission on Governmental Efficiency and Economy (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Export and Import Board of Trade of Baltimore 2
Fells Point Planning Council (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Greater Baltimore Committee, Inc. 2
Hollowak, Thomas L. 2
Industrial Bureau of Trade 2
Maryland Food Committee, Inc. 2
Neighborhood Design Center (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Ready, Samuel, 1789-1871 2
Samuel Ready Scholarships, Inc. 2
Samuel Ready School (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Southeast Community Organization (Baltimore, Md.) 2
Trustees of the Samuel Ready School for Female Orphans 2
Acreage Land Company (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Action for the Homeless 1
Ahlers, John Allan, 1895-1983 1
American Institute of Architects. Baltimore Chapter 1
American Lung Association 1
American Lung Association of Maryland 1
Anderson, Eva (Dancer) 1
Antosiak, Lucjan 1
Aull, Gloria 1
Balicki, John 1
Baltimore (Md.). City Council 1
Baltimore (Md.). Commission for Historic and Architectural Preservation 1
Baltimore (Md.). Model Cities Agency 1
Baltimore (Md.). Police Department 1
Baltimore Birth Control Clinic (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore College of Commerce 1
Baltimore Council for Equal Business Opportunity 1
Baltimore Council of Equal Business Opportunities, Inc. 1
Baltimore County (Md.). Planning Board 1
Baltimore Criminal Justice Commission 1
Baltimore Dance Theatre (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore Harbor Endowment (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore Harbor Watershed Association (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Baltimore Industrial Development Corporation 1
Baltimore Industry Development Corporation 1
Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc. 1
Baltimore Poe House and Museum 1
Baltimore Recycling Coalition 1
Baltimore Region Institutional Studies Center 1
Bell-McKoy, Diane 1
Belvedere Hotel Corporation 1
Black, Walter Evan, Jr., 1926- 1
Board of Trade of Baltimore 1
Board of Trade of Baltimore City 1
Bolton Hill Community Association 1
Boulton, Edward H. 1
Bureau for Contraceptive Advice 1
Center for Poverty Solutions (Baltimore Md.) 1
Citizens Housing Council of Baltimore 1
Citizens League of Baltimore 1
Citizens for Environmental Planning Today & Tomorrow (Baltimore, Md.) 1
City of Baltimore Community Action Agency 1
Community Association of Sudbrook Park 1
Community Economic Development Program (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Concerned Citizens for Butchers Hill (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Consolvo Hotel 1
Corpus Christi-Jenkins Memorial Church (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Criminal Justice Commission (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Daniels, Samuel T. 1
Democratic Party (Md.) 1
E.J. Gallagher Realty Company 1
Eastern Supply Company (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore (Md.) 1
Ednor Gardens-Lakeside Civic Association (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Elfenbein, Jessica I. 1
Empower Baltimore Management Corporation 1
Eva Anderson Dancers, Ltd. (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Ewing, Bill 1
Gallagher Construction Company (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Gallagher, Albert Norman 1
Gallagher, E. J. (Edward Joseph) 1
Gallagher, Edward Joseph, Jr. 1
Goldseker, Morris 1
Grand Army of the Republic 1
Grasty, Charles Henry, 1863-1924 1
Guttmacher, Alan 1
Health & Welfare Council of Maryland 1
Hilltop Theater 1
Hunt, James 1
Huppmann, Ann 1
Israel, Stephen 1
Jefferson Hotel (Richmond, Va.) 1
+ ∧ less